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Top Contributor
Hi guys – I'm James. I used to be a reasonably big player in the Aussie domain market when I cofounded Pacific Octane, but I wanted to reintroduce myself here.

The last 12 months have been a disaster for me – I lost my business (and a lot of money), my marriage; and a lot of credibility. I’ve been to hell and back. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Most of the mistakes were my own; and I acknowledge that publicly. I was arrogant and stubborn in some instances and didn’t listen to smart people’s advice when I should have.

I also put my trust in one particular individual here in Australia, and that turned out to be a very costly exercise (perhaps more about that later in another post).

But I’m back, and starting again. As Henry Ford said: “Failure is the opportunity to start again more intelligently”.

I have some good friends on this forum, and whilst I won’t name them publicly for fear of embarrassing them haha ;) they know who they are, and I thank them sincerely.

Moving forward, I’m not seeking sympathy – I just want to rekindle old friendships; make some new friends on here and look for good opportunities in the domain industry. I also intend to play an active role in domainer activities and look forward to touching base with as many of you as possible.

All the best,

Struth, I thought border control had been tightened.
Do they let anyone in nowadays?


Top Contributor
Welcome James. OK i gotta ask as i'm new here. How did you lose your business? Did you forget to renew your domains ;)


Regular Member
Hi bunstar. Thanks for the welcome. :) I lost a new business venture. Some domain names that I have indeed lost did not come from forgetting to renew them but rather at the unfortunate situation I was in when 200 and more would come due at the same time and was unable to renew them. There have been some great pickups by smart people in this industry on some of my names that did expire, and for that, I am grateful as it spurred momentum and escalated value, therefore benefiting us all.


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