It's a hot sector, everyone wants a piece of it. High competition for the kwords on Google, 74K exact searches locally per month. There's value there.
Considering stampdutycalculator went for 14K I can see this one going high as well, if the full pockets are around.
Would suggest well above the 14K.
<off topic>The buyers of this domain have just spent millions of dollars launching 1300 Home Loan including paying over 1 million bucks for the telephone number phoneword. They promise their brokers leads so this will work well for them.
Domain owners everywhere should be salivating - as you would think this sort of sale should hit hit the mainstream online media sources and should help shine the spotlight on the entire industry.You can almost hear all of the calculator domain owners going ka ching!
Domain owners everywhere should be salivating - as you would think this sort of sale should hit hit the mainstream online media sources and should help shine the spotlight on the entire industry.
<off topic>
Isn't 1300 Home Loan too long to be a phone word?
I thought it was only 6 digits after the 1300. Any idea how that works?
Also they advertise on their website 1300 Home Loan, and 1300 466 356 (1300 Hom eLo - the 'an' is dropped).
So maybe the 1300 system ignores any number entered after the 6th?!
</off topic>