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HoldenDiscounts.com.au - AUDRP win!


Top Contributor
Thought you guys might be interested in the following decision involving one of our domains - HoldenDiscounts.com.au

We were able to successfully defend it by proving we do have a legitimate interest in the domain (my company Private Fleet is a car buying servive which negotiates discounts on Holdens (amongst other brands))


Thanks to Erhan from Cooper Mills for defending the complaint so well :)

This is another example of how having a TM within a domain is not necessarily a TM breach. It's all about the use of the domain...


Top Contributor
That's a great result David. And hearty congrats to Erhan.

I know you were both feeling a bit jittery, but all's well that ends well.

Good on you for having the balls to fight it. Some things are worth sticking up for.


Regular Member
Holden discounts

Great to see someone take them on and have a win, it should give us all hope in the future Congrats David


Thought you guys might be interested in the following decision involving one of our domains - HoldenDiscounts.com.au

We were able to successfully defend it by proving we do have a legitimate interest in the domain (my company Private Fleet is a car buying servive which negotiates discounts on Holdens (amongst other brands))


Thanks to Erhan from Cooper Mills for defending the complaint so well :)

This is another example of how having a TM within a domain is not necessarily a TM breach. It's all about the use of the domain...

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