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Hi I'm Wilson - Domainer & Entrepreneur


Hey folks!

I am supposed to introduce myself as part of the terms and conditions of this forum.

I have been involved in the internet marketing world for over 10 years, have built and sold several online businessses and currently have a portfolio of over 5000+ domain names. ( au domains).

I am intersted in chatting with fellow domainers and internet entrepreneurs about the industry in general and domain monetization strategies.

Happy Domaining!



Top Contributor
Welcome aboard Wilson. You must have a pretty air tight system for keeping track of that many names! (Have any slipped through the cracks and wound up on the drop that you've kicked yourself for?)


Top Contributor
Welcome to the DN Trade community Wilson! I look forward to learning from your experiences and contributions to our forum.


Top Contributor
welcome. Hope you have a good deal with your registrar for the renewals at $50,000 aud a year at least? have you got them all listed on netfleet for sale?

have you thought about selling all 5000 as a portfolio in one sale?


Top Contributor
Hi Wilson - welcome to DN Trade. Good to have someone of your calibre and experience. :)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Top Contributor
Wow, well I"m going to welcome Wilson with OPEN ARMS... :p.

I can't say enough good things about this place. Honestly I've been to so many forums where I'm really an expert in an incredibly niche area, and it's brain sucking at times thinking of answers and giving back some expertise that nothing but hands on experience and time gives one.

So, I'm loving reading about all the tips, information and great ideas shared here by the experts. It's very helpful for me.

It's not so big that it's impersonal and people don't seem to be obviously pushing their own agenda. (well if they do they are somewhat subtle about it)

So there you go - another welcome from a new person here. I feel sort of weird jumping in when I'm so new and saying welcome to everyone when I don't feel I have contributed much that is worthy, but the sincerity is there..


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