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Hello from a supplier


Top Contributor
Hi Guys,

Mark has been on leave lately and since new clients seem to be reluctant to email support and because old clients seem to think we love getting support emails, I figured I'd try add more transparency by answering questions on the forum of choice for .au domainers.

I am the new General Manager at NetFleet and have been answering your support emails for the last few weeks, attempting to get a feel for issues and positives in the current NetFleet experience. I am working to improve the automation of our backend processes at the moment so I can focus on new development in the near future.

I have been involved in the .au After Market and Expired Domain Purge market for the last three years. I have worked for a many of the suppliers in this market but my involvement has mainly been technical in nature supporting and building registrar software. I have heard of many of you when issues are escalated to me when providing second level support, but now I am taking some time to get to know you guys by providing first level support.

I started out as a PHP programmer in 1998 and I am still a PHP programmer having work professionally as a Java, VB and even C++ programmer in Europe, Africa and now Australasia. Currently I am interested in trying to simplify design and focus on ease of use instead of new features. My specialisation is best described as building production prototypes. Meaning I built them as prototypes but then because they make money they end up in production.

I have worked for registrars in Melbourne, Brisbane and now finally Sydney. Being technical in nature and needing to focus on future projects means I spent lots of this time planning or being briefed on future and present .au policy. I think the current value of .au domains is thanks to the policy restrictions we have had in place and that as each layer of these restrictions are slowly relaxed we have a good opportunity for growth.

I chose NetFleet because I believe that they have been instrumental in the .au Aftermarket's growth by providing a lead generating service to wholesale domain owners and a large selection of domains to retail buyers. I think the time has come now for NetFleet to take lead generation and turn these into concrete completed sales, by providing a Transfer (Change of Registrant) and Invoicing process for our wholesale sellers. I will be working towards this goal so that we can take responsibility for the correct ownership of the domains we list for sale, control the clear communication of the sale process and to ensure the change of ownership occurs correctly and timely.


Top Contributor
Welcome to Dn Trade.

I chose NetFleet because I believe that they have been instrumental in the .au Aftermarket's growth by providing a lead generating service to wholesale domain owners and a large selection of domains to retail buyers. I think the time has come now for NetFleet to take lead generation and turn these into concrete completed sales, by providing a Transfer (Change of Registrant) and Invoicing process for our wholesale sellers. I will be working towards this goal so that we can take responsibility for the correct ownership of the domains we list for sale, control the clear communication of the sale process and to ensure the change of ownership occurs correctly and timely.
Very exciting.


Top Contributor
Welcome Anthony! And thankyou for such a comprehensive introduction. You have now set the bar. ;)

The last paragraph is particulary welcome to me - as I'm sure it is to many others here.

We look forward to your contributions.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Welcome to the forum Anthony and i know that i am enjoying doing business with Netfleet.

Cheers. :)


Top Contributor
Welcome to the forum Anthony and i know that i am enjoying doing business with Netfleet.

Cheers. :)

Thanks for that, always makes me smile to have a customer who enjoys doing business with us. It was your comment "It's more that i didnt wish to annoy netfleet on my very first transaction, rather than actually getting the domain name." that got me to join after all.


Top Contributor
Welcome Anthony,

Good to have you here, looking forward to seeing those new features roll out..

Here is a little one for you... I added a new button to the "Members Area" >> "Snapper Archive" where you can see all your old snapper bids, including the ones we LOST. It also links to the invoice where we charged you for the domain in case you need to cross reference (this only works for invoices created in the last few weeks). Dates are included as well as an "ALL" button at the bottom in case you want to cut-n-paste into excel.

Hopefully you don't all paste into excel hit the "SUM" button and promptly pass out.


Top Contributor
Welcome to DN Trade Anthony!

Rather than being totally lazy and saying +1 (I wonder where Google stole that concept from..... :O)

I'll simply say +all, as I agree with everyone else's sentiments, echo their sentiments, and extend my own greeting to you.

Sometimes you try and think of a whole nice, neatly worded paragraph that sounds really nifty and friendly - but i cant think of anything except to agree with everyone else has said :p

I think the inner wordsmith will return at some stage. But for now, glad to have you on board Anthony! :)


Regular Member
Hi Anthony. Welcome to the board. You really did a great job in introducing yourself and your business to us.


Top Contributor
Welcome Anthony. If you are looking for feedback for Netfleet I think you have definately come to the right place. Look forward to chatting further.


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