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G'Day from Netfleet


Top Contributor
Hi All,

Should have posted this thread first I guess... ah well.

Anyway Netfleet is a 2 man operation (both part-time) with a portfolio of about 2,200 domains.

80-90% of these are com.au.

Our latest venture is www.netfleet.com.au which is a completely free sales platform for all .au domain names.

We plan to make a few $$$ on it at some stage through ads & affiliates but for the moment we're just hoping sites like these will help to give a boost to the fledgling .au aftermarket.

I guess you'd say I'm a patriot in the .au namespace & think it doesn't get the respect it should from Aussie domainers. I'm happy to let the 'com is king' crowd fight it out for the dregs of an exhausted (in growth terms) extension but our focus is on cc-TLD's esp .au

Always keen to discuss partnership opps - particularly with our new sales site where there could be plenty of synergies....


Welcome netfleet, sounds like you have quite a good portfolio there. How has your sales been on the site? have you seen many good prices for the .com.au domains and how do they compare to the .com prices?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
i dont think many aussies even know about domaining , it's the retrictions that are the problem !!!! welcome aboad


I agree spacey - it looks like it will take some time for a market to develop but heres hoping.

Good luck netfleet - nice site too.


Top Contributor
Welcome netfleet, sounds like you have quite a good portfolio there. How has your sales been on the site? have you seen many good prices for the .com.au domains and how do they compare to the .com prices?

Early days - we only launched this week! Couple of sales to report soon, one a mid $X,XXX.

Spacey, as you say Aussies don't know about domaining. So let's see what happens when they find out (which they will do over the next couple of years wouldn't you think - now that sales restrictions been lifted?)

I've often wondered what would happen if they dropped the ABN restriction. 1.1 mill registered with that restriction - imagine if anyone could register. There would probably be a flood of o/s buyers though which wouldn't necessarily be good for the namespace.

nameseek - nice site yourself! Have you had many transactions complete yet?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
some one needs to send a current affair an email explaining what domaining is, and that there is an aussie market for this .......maybe i will one day ???


I am thinking of running a few ads in PC user/web based magazines. Might be a bit of good exposure for the AU domaning industry as a whole

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