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Friday Funnies


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well its saturday but its a friday funny.

just on wotif trying to book some accom, had to laugh when it said " full rate $125" book now $140

ummmmm, its wotif NOT "what tha f"



Top Contributor
not friday but funny

its SPRING, so for some reason all the trees are active and the brids and the bees and the .........hayfever.........

but this year i have a "new bird" in my back yard, just started yesterday.

the bloody thing chirps almost EXACTLY like the skype ping.

its driving me mental as i have skype on a different computer which is behind me so i keep bloody turning around. :)


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
not friday but funny

its SPRING, so for some reason all the trees are active and the brids and the bees and the .........hayfever.........

but this year i have a "new bird" in my back yard, just started yesterday.

the bloody thing chirps almost EXACTLY like the skype ping.

its driving me mental as i have skype on a different computer which is behind me so i keep bloody turning around. :)


It's called a 'skyper' .....look it up

Now carlton getting into the finals ..... that's funny !


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ruby. 6yr old, can't got to ballet practice tomorrow as they turn the hall into a voting location, so she asks WHY, so helena and i explain that tomorrow is a different day where everyone in the country go to places like her dance hall and vote for a new prime minister.

ruby says "everyone" ?

we reply " yes its compulsory"

she replies " so who will be my new ballet prime minister "?



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people in glass houses.........


OK, so helena and the kids go to granmas, i stay home... a mix of work and footy on tv.

gotta go get something for dinner, best to do that early, footy about to start, hmm, time shift it on the dvc..... no worries.

of to the supermarket, shop, get back, hmmmm, NO house keys !!!

hmm, no windows open, no doors unlocked, but its a 2 story hous and the ensuite window is slightly open.

hmmm, lets go kill ourselves :eek:

so tim stardles the fence, jumps from fence to patio roof like he is harrison ford in romancing the stone, ....... makes it, crawls up the steep roof to discover my wrist does not fit in the small gap the window is open, ( note, it is one of those windows with a rotating roll out chain system.

tim tries to get his wrist in, tim gets hurt, tim tries the next logical thing " RIP THE F***^er of its hinges.

still no luck, tim calms down..... ok, smash the window, oh shit.... i have to get down off the roof to get something to smash the window .

so another "get my hand in and unwind chance" and i do it , YIPPEE.

then i go to enter but my legs do no bend forward so i get stuck, have to pull myself back out.

thus i now have to enter backwards, so thats upside down, into a bathroom window 2 stories high dropping into a bath which is still 3 feet below me, ........ all is going good but now my ankle is stuck under the window, shift left and twist, great, i'm now almost free.................... CRAMPPPPPPPPP.

thoughts of helena coming home finding me upsidedown red faced and dead come to mind, should have F'n gone down and got that brick ot kicked the laundry door in .

any way i survived.

NOTE TO SELF: pay attention, i have been saying for MONTHS, we need to hide a key outside somewhere, well guess what i am doing tomorrow.

SO, now you have been told ! go do it.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Good one tym. But can't all domainers fly ??

(michael douglas ....romancing the stone) ...but we get it

as long as there was a cold beer waiting afterwards


Top Contributor
cold beer: definately, thankfully i had the footy on timeshift as i missed the first quarter richmond v carlton


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