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FREE ecommerce expo Melbourne


Top Contributor
i don't think i've posted this , so sorry if there is a duplicate.

here's the link to getting a free pass


i'm going and went last year.

all up its ok, there is so much going on in the seminars which last year were 6 at a time so you had to pick betwen them, plus it was open rooms so you could hear the other room !!!!

but i did learn a lot so i am going back, there are paid seminars as well, all listed on the website.

let me know if you are going so we could cross reference information.



Top Contributor
bump, this starts tommorow

if anyone else is going please let me know so we can meetup



Top Contributor
Well i can see why no domainers would want to go but even developers probably would want to either.

there are positives at the end of this.

basically is was a huge bunch of booths targeting corporate clients that are in the online section of a company.......... they come to learn but then get sold into solutions which is ok and obvious like most expos/conventions and i use the word convention loosely.

they had a whole day of 2 areas with speakers as well, mostly telling people what they should do but not enough to go do it and the sales pitch at the end, ok fair enough but that wasn't what i got from the intial invite.

Talked to some GREAT people which made my day, commissionfactory, DGM, Eway, Toll freight, Australia post, Netregistry to just name a few and it was great to be face to face to sort out and get possible solutions for myself and my clients.

SO those connections was worth the trip into the city, but i won't be going tommorrow.

not sure if i would go next year ?



footnote: but what i do dislike is that the website doesn't give you the corect schedule, the brochure schedule they give you on arrival is also wrong so you end up missing talks as they put the correct schedule of talks at the lecture areas.

and this happens almost everytime when i go to these types of events.


Top Contributor
It sounds like the same thing in Sydney, it is basically just 100's of booths with people trying to push their stuff to you. In the end of the day most big corporate clients pick up contracts via tenders where you pick the 5 top ones and they pitch for the business, they do not go to a conference. Its the same with most decent sized e-commerce websites too I have worked with.

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