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First exclusive .au domain name live auction


@demandclass - Auction idea officially dead?

I've suggested to James that he respond to this thread / post and let people know what's going on.

Without disclosing state secrets, it is my understanding that this auction won't be happening anymore. James is working on some ventures in the USA, and these are taking priority.


Regular Member
Yes Designer the auction now is on hold. I am in the US as Ned said and these ventures along with a personal matter were priority over the auction. Thanks.


I am sorry I missed this auction as I am new to domaining but I hope you can let us know when your next one will be!


Top Contributor
I'd ask the question, given that "live" auctions overseas have proven a failure with ever shrinking sales why do we need one here? The whole concept of selling internet assets via an in person auction seems backwards to me.


Top Contributor
I'd ask the question, given that "live" auctions overseas have proven a failure with ever shrinking sales why do we need one here? The whole concept of selling internet assets via an in person auction seems backwards to me.
ok, you have talked me out of going ahead with a networking function/conference/live auction that I was planning.
I will cancel it on Monday


Top Contributor
I'd ask the question, given that "live" auctions overseas have proven a failure with ever shrinking sales why do we need one here? The whole concept of selling internet assets via an in person auction seems backwards to me.

I agree, seems strange to sell internet assets via a medium that is not the internet...

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