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findtim to nominate for board


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Managing 3 million free members would have a cost involved which could only be offset by raising the price of domains.


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Solution: make it opt-in.
What happens if everyone opts in after all its free.
Even if 10% opt in there is still a cost involved and AFAIAA auDA only makes money from its license fee which means the only way to pay for it is to increase domain prices.


Top Contributor
10% is 170K which for a corporation is a small mailing list, and thankfully ( as opposed to introducing a .au) we actually have a working. proven, successful example in canada, whos systems have been in place for many years.
.ca is $13 retail, AUD is 1/1 with CAD but their price can not be determined by having free membership.



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It is Free in Canada, They have not had any issues and they have far greater registrant engagement and satisfaction!

Online System. The application is opt in box tick. It populates the member details from the domain name registrant details.
It automatically cross checks so it has 1 member per registrant name also with a Clause to stop any multiple entries of same person

Auda has Millions of dollars each year they have to give away and spend on expenses to be a Not for profit. They also still have over $10 million in the bank. Do not worry they have a ton of money!

No excuses it should be FREE and largely automated. It can be done now so they can announce at the AGM.

Only 200 auDA members out of 3 million registrants and 16 years of auDA is not something to be proud of. Obviously it is not working.

Many have raised the question it was made too manual and difficult for the reason to hinder members and hinder votes...

Every Domain name Registrant deserves the choice to tick the join as a member box and opt in or not. Easy. This is the internet.. let's get with the times..


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The thing is 200 members IS working........ for auDA !
more members = more accountability IMO
a boss of mine had a sign on his door " have you come with a solution or are you part of the problem" , lets stop thinking of why we can't and think of yes we can.


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I think your daily emails are becoming more an annoyance rather than good.

I find them difficult to read to be honest.


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sorry to here that but i know your opinion is always your honest one.

however i'm getting GREAT feedback from them, there is an unsubscribe at the bottom.
so sorry but i don't intend to stop them as the positive is outweighing the negative so far.
for every unsubscribe recorded i seem to get a proxy sent to me by someone else, on review of the unsubscribes they are members that i know would no vote for me anyway.
as for hard to read, i suppose that is just me, a bit eclectic



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I've just sent my form to Tim, voting for Tim and Shane.

I also voted against every resolution on the form and encourage other members to do the same. Let's send AUDA a clear message that we are not happy about how they have run things.


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The cost of emails is pretty cheap and they do have $10,000,000 sitting in the bank.

For those who may not know that $10,000,000 auDA has sitting in the bank is from Australian Domain Name Registrant fees and auDA .com.au auction profits.. so don't let anyone tell you they need more money or to charge for COR ( Change of Registrant fees) or can't sent out emails to existing registrants.

I had hoped with a new CEO we would see positive changes but that report is very concerning about not agreeing to more members and wanting to actually cull existing members! I

The independent report and the "Not Agree" position from the new CEO position is very concerning. I had hoped to se more positive wider engagement from auDA at the top and not less with domain name registrants and members. https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/cameron-ralph-report-for-auda.11041/

There was a book and movie Animal Farm many would know the story of. I really do hope this is not what we have seen as the auDA staff and board "change".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Farm "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".


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For those who may not know that $10,000,000 auDA has sitting in the bank is from Australian Domain Name Registrant fees and auDA .com.au auction profits.. so don't let anyone tell you they need more money or to charge for COR ( Change of Registrant fees) or can't sent out emails to existing registrants.

AUDA could reduce their fee to $2.85 (from $3.85) and they still would be adding to their $10million stockpile. This is money that they do not need and there is a big risk of continued wastage.

The fee should probably drop to $1.85 or lower so they are at least giving back some of that money to registrants.


Top Contributor
AUDA could reduce their fee to $2.85 (from $3.85) and they still would be adding to their $10million stockpile. This is money that they do not need and there is a big risk of continued wastage.

The fee should probably drop to $1.85 or lower so they are at least giving back some of that money to registrants.

Tim put this forward to auDA, but make it $1 in the proposal. Let's see a survey and vote from the 3 million existing registrants :)

auDA does not need the massive income they have been charging for 16 years to do the role they where contracted to do.

Cut the auDA expenses and yes it can be done! 16 years of first class airfares, $600,000 in travel expenses a year..... really where was the auDA boards and "auditors" oversight all these years?

It is time to put the Australian domain name management and Registry both out to public tender. It is time auDA and Neustar Inc ( USA) / Ausregistry needed to compete against others for these profit making contracts.

Wake up Department of Communications and do your job in the best interests of Australia and the millions of paying Australian domain name registrants.

Heads need to roll at Dept of Communications, they have let this mess keep happening and grow even bigger.

Enough if Enough!

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