AUDA could reduce their fee to $2.85 (from $3.85) and they still would be adding to their $10million stockpile. This is money that they do not need and there is a big risk of continued wastage.
The fee should probably drop to $1.85 or lower so they are at least giving back some of that money to registrants.
Tim put this forward to auDA, but make it $1 in the proposal.
Let's see a survey and vote from the 3 million existing registrants
auDA does not need the massive income they have been charging for 16 years to do the role they where contracted to do.
Cut the auDA expenses and yes it can be done! 16 years of first class airfares, $600,000 in travel expenses a year..... really where was the auDA boards and "auditors" oversight all these years?
It is time to put the Australian domain name management and Registry both out to public tender. It is time auDA and Neustar Inc ( USA) / Ausregistry needed to compete against others for these profit making contracts.
Wake up Department of Communications and do your job in the best interests of Australia and the millions of paying Australian domain name registrants.
Heads need to roll at Dept of Communications, they have let this mess keep happening and grow even bigger.
Enough if Enough!