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facebook and twitter names


Top Contributor
Is it acceptable legally to reg domains that have the words facebook or twitter within them?

Eg: insidefacebook .com exists, as does getmorefacebookfans .com.au but is it legal to reg a facebook or twitter type .com.au ?
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Top Contributor
I can't really offer any solid advice here but I would think it depends on their use.


Top Contributor
I've heard of Twitter chasing people using their name, but not Facebook.

I think as Ash said, it really depends on the use.


Top Contributor
I used to own www.teentwitter.com and operated it as a tennager support forum.

We were actually in the process of completing my sale for the site when twitter jumped on us, emails and registered letter, demanding we cease using their name immediately. I explained it was ateenager forum and in no way competing against twitter.

I was actually surprised how friendly they were, we spoke on the phone.....needless to say the site ceased using the name immediately, they wouldnt even concede one inch. I still sold the site but at a great reduction.......

[Edited later to add]
Just clicked on the live link and i now see the domain is for sale. Both funny and amazing.....i thought the person who bought the site off me gave it back to Twitter, but he musnt of. Pity anyone who buys it :(

Mike Robertson

Top Contributor
I've heard of Twitter chasing people using their name, but not Facebook.

I think as Ash said, it really depends on the use.

Wasn't Mike Mann being chased for some Facebook names he owned?

Agree with others, depends on how you use them. If it were me, I'd put money into generic/commercial names.

Like most things, it's only illegal if you get caught! lol

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