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Editing Posts

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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
that's cool .........how about you become like every other forum on this planet and allow your members to edit their posts ??

........truly wtf is going on with all that ??

it's quite annoying to see a mistake and not be able to remedy it at a later date


Top Contributor
that's cool .........how about you become like every other forum on this planet and allow your members to edit their posts ??

........truly wtf is going on with all that ??

it's quite annoying to see a mistake and not be able to remedy it at a later date

Fair suck of the sav Spacey! We've only been in the hot seat for one week. :)

We'll definitely look into it though.

Currently, I think that members can edit posts for up to 5 minutes afterwards. I know a well respected forum that
I belong to in the US also has a 5 minute editing window.

Imho, there does have to be some time limit. Otherwise threads / posts can go right off tangent. Imagine someone
posts; heaps of members respond - then original poster goes back in and edits original post to reflect a different situation.
It would be chaos. (In this situation, they should instead do another post to correct original post.).

And just to be fair, this should equally apply to "Admins" as well (except where we are adding to a sticky thread or the like).

I'll get back to you today on this.

Cheers, Admin (Ned)


Top Contributor
Imho, there does have to be some time limit. Otherwise threads / posts can go right off tangent. Imagine someone
posts; heaps of members respond - then original poster goes back in and edits original post to reflect a different situation.
It would be chaos. (In this situation, they should instead do another post to correct original post.).
We all are professional or responsible amateur domainers, so why are we treated like common Script Kiddies or dodgy two-bit scammers.
Anyone editing their posts for non-editorial reasons should be dealt with by the moderators/ administrators. Do not create a "guilty by association" mentality.
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Top Contributor
dodgy two-bit scammers.
Apparently this term Offended Neddy.
It is not intended to refer to any of the decisions made by him or timmy. It refers to the existing policy which should be removed ASAP.


Top Contributor
You can always spell check prior to posting. If you want to retract your point of view you should think before posting.


Top Contributor
Personally I see no reason to not allow edits. At the very least allow 1 hour or something but there shouldn't be a huge issue with editing posts


Top Contributor
The issue was there was a member here that came in like a whirlwind and then after people responded went and edited every single post to make the replies no longer relevant.

This had to be dealt with somehow surely.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
A one off occurrence, after a long time of not one problem should not change what was a much more usable system.


Top Contributor
There has been some discussion about editing posts, so I thought it appropriate to open a new thread for this -
rather than hijack the "Welcome to Netfleet" thread. :)

As I mentioned earlier, being new in the chair, I need to get my head around this all before arriving at what will
hopefully be an acceptable outcome.

I have moved the other posts to here - see above.

Civil discussion is good!


Archived Member
My only suggestion is to increase the time from 5 minutes to 10 or even 15. I think it's fair to disable it after that time for the reasons stated. I also think it supports more thoughtful comments.


Top Contributor
Editing Sales Threads

A senior member here has suggested that an exception be made on editing of sales threads.

He raised these very valid points (and I thank him):

Cannot drop the price or remove the price following a sale. Can't be bothered contacting admin every time I want a change.

So we have decided to lift editing restriction on "sales threads" with immediate effect.

As for other threads, thanks for input. We're leaning towards a 15 to 30 minute editing window. This gives time to reflect and correct.

The last thing I ever want to be is a "Moderator Nazi". ;)

Will make a decision later today.


Top Contributor
Another thing in relation to editing is deletion. Can I suggest we be able to delete posts within 5-10 minutes after we post them


Top Contributor
Policy on editing threads

Thanks for all your input via this thread and PM's.

I did say we would allow unlimited editing of sales posts. Unfortunately, Soj informs me that we can't do that because with vBulletin
it is a "blanket approach". i.e. Can't single out one sub-forum for special editing treatment.

I also said previously that we were leaning towards a 15 to 30 minute window for editing posts. Someone who I have a great deal of
respect for (and who has been running a successful forum in the US for many years) said the following to me when I asked her opinion:

"I always say that in real life you cannot unsay your words and neither should you in a forum".

But I think a small window to allow for some editing of grammar and content is ok.

So here's the deal:

  • 20 minute editing window effective now

  • If anyone needs sales threads edited, I'm happy to do it manually for you (as many times as you want).

  • If there is an exceptional circumstance, I'm always willing to listen.
Finally, nothing is set in stone. Let's see how this goes. :)


Top Contributor
Thanks for all your input via this thread and PM's.

I did say we would allow unlimited editing of sales posts. Unfortunately, Soj informs me that we can't do that because with vBulletin
it is a "blanket approach". i.e. Can't single out one sub-forum for special editing treatment.

I also said previously that we were leaning towards a 15 to 30 minute window for editing posts. Someone who I have a great deal of
respect for (and who has been running a successful forum in the US for many years) said the following to me when I asked her opinion:

"I always say that in real life you cannot unsay your words and neither should you in a forum".

But I think a small window to allow for some editing of grammar and content is ok.

So here's the deal:

  • 20 minute editing window effective now

  • If anyone needs sales threads edited, I'm happy to do it manually for you (as many times as you want).

  • If there is an exceptional circumstance, I'm always willing to listen.
Finally, nothing is set in stone. Let's see how this goes. :)

I think it is reducing the number of posts by long time members
What subject matter is that forum you refer to ?
Other domain name forums seem to have editing at any time available
Text in a forum is obviously NOT the same as speaking to someone
I still don't understand what the issue was in the first place with letting authors edit their text whenever they choose
It does not seem to be an issue with the dot com domain forums
What do others think now after having tried the edit policy?
I see no advantages to members at all
Please let me edit my own posts whenever I want !
"quote" still sets it in stone if it was interesting enough for someone to use it
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Top Contributor
I still don't understand what the issue was in the first place with letting authors edit their text whenever they choose
It does not seem to be an issue with the dot com domain forums
What do others think now after having tried the edit policy?
I see no advantages to members at all
Please let me edit my own posts whenever I want !

Hi Joe - we chatted privately about this last night, but I thought I would just clarify some things.

The policy is not targeted at you or any one in particular. :)

Our biggest concern is if someone comes on and makes a post - lots of people reply, respond, comment etc. Then some time later, original poster goes and edits original post. Because the original post has gone - or been changed - it has the potential to make others that have responded look like duds or idiots.

As a moderator or Admin, I don't want to spend heaps of time trying to fix things after the act.


  • The policy was inherited with the forum - apparently some people had spoilt it for others in the past. We have made it a bit more lenient than before.
  • The majority of members that commented either on this thread or by PM are happy with limited editing policy.
  • There haven't been any problems arise recently.
  • We don't want to be a clone of bigger overseas forums.
  • We're genuinely happy to edit sales threads at any time.

If anyone ever has a problem in the future, I am very, very approachable.

If anyone has a problem with any posts they or others may have made in the past (because of reputational or other legitimate reasons), please PM me in confidence and if the request is reasonable, I will try and help out.

Can't be fairer than that! Having said that, I'm going to close this thread now.
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