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Draft recommendations from the 2015 Names Policy Panel

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
That's just outstanding work. Well Done.

It really brings home the fact that the majority of stakeholders haven't been consulted and would probably object.

It also shows that auDA should consider expanding representation on the demand side so that the largest stakeholders are represented and not just geeks and domainers.


Top Contributor
another client agrees.
i've also changed my email to have a VERYYYYYYY short version at the top, with the option to read the longer version if they want.


Top Contributor
here's what i am sending, you will at the bottom it links to domainer who has provided a very informative list of links for both sides of the coin. i
hi ******, here's the info............. It takes just 3 minutes !
short version here, long version below
Vote in Auda's survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WKZZLPV
put in your name and email and here are the answers

at the end type your opinion

---------------------- long version below ----------------

PLEASE read this as you have a .com.au domain name, its very IMPORTANT , PLEASE read it in full and do it TODAY.

please do this and email me after you complete the survey. please forward it to people you know if you agree

you know i never send emails unless they are important, so keep reading

NOTE: at the end i will provide you with a bunch of links if you would like to read more about this issue.


Auda the governing body behind .com.au registrations has released a recommendation to introduce direct .au registration to the market.

Essentially, what this means is that someone else could easily register the .au version of your website without you knowing. If you owned YOUR-BUSINESS-NAME.com.au, someone else could come along and register YOUR-BUSINESS-NAME.au - unless you registered it first.

PLUS act on it TODAY, as it closes on friday, PLEASEEEEE email me you have acted on it ( or i am going to phone you ), i don't care which way you vote but i'm here to tell you if it comes in it WILL COST YOU $$$$ in its present form of recommendations.

The best case scenario, is that your registration costs are doubled as you’ve had to “defensively” register the .au version of your website. The worst case? Someone beats you to it and you lose traffic and business to a competitor.

there are 3 options that need to be taken before 24/9/2015:
1) read my brief and do the survey how i think it should be done to protect you.
2) read my brief and read all the information i'll provide at the BOTTOM of this email, then make your own decision
3) do nothing, and we all lose

If you think that doubling your costs, competing for a domain name you already own, having your competitor potential get it instead is a bad idea, have your say.

How to vote

Vote in Auda's survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WKZZLPV it only takes a couple of minutes.

Sign up with your own name and an email that you can be contacted at.
If you oppose the introduction of direct .au registrations vote as follows
(comments are not mandatory – you don’t need to fill these in)
this is the intro screenshot, this asks you to READ the whole thing !!!! , i've done that for you so skip it. http://screencast.com/t/VhtjH5fGoX

sign in: best to use a domain name address but it doesn't matter http://screencast.com/t/U9oocu87Jvhj
this survey can ONLY be taken from 1 location, if you own many domains you can survey many times but it has to be from a different computer eg: say you own nambourdentist.com.au and also noosadentist.com.au, then if you complete the survey from those locations it is valid as you are talking about the effect it will have on 2 different businesses.
but you can not lie and SPAM the survey, we want to get our opinion across but always play fair.

( the links below are previews only, no need to click if you don't want to )
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 1A: Vote No , http://screencast.com/t/nMIjlIkjf
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 1B: Vote No , http://screencast.com/t/Blk33Vwq
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 2A: Vote Yes , http://screencast.com/t/CliIzrZW
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 2B: Vote Yes , http://screencast.com/t/Qmr07Gtnw
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 2C: Vote Yes , http://screencast.com/t/sSH2z217
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 3A: Vote Yes , http://screencast.com/t/Co0FLRwtS
For DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 3B: Vote Yes , http://screencast.com/t/ZMf1h5KsPadn

For the General Comments section: Leave this blank if you want to, or make a comment along the lines that you object to the proposed introduction of direct .au registrations as they are either a threat to your brand or an additional cost to your business.
Click Done.
That’s it!

If enough people vote, we can stop this.

--------------------- if you want more info -------------------------

now here's another link which is a fantastic coverage of whats been going on with a BUNCH of links to articles that is fair for both arguments so you can decide, but i decide the responses above for your best interest.
( NOTE: there is a lot of reading to be done here )

A expanded explaination of the reasons to vote as above:

i hope to receive an email from you soon.
tim connell
0439 859 860

feel free to call about anything you'd like to discuss.


Top Contributor
It also shows that auDA should consider expanding representation on the demand side so that the largest stakeholders are represented and not just geeks and domainers.
YES, one of my clients today asked " why wasn't i told" , a really simple question and one that needs to be answered IMO

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Just received this from Zip.
Service Notification
Dear xxxxxx,

You may have seen discussions recently regarding the proposal by auDA (.au Domain Administration) to simplify the Australian domain space by allowing businesses to register domain names directly in the second level, for example as companyname.au instead ofcompanyname.com.au.

The introduction of direct .au registrations would have a number of benefits for Australian businesses, including:

  • The option of a shorter domain name which is easier for customers to remember
  • Reducing the risk of misdirected traffic through customers misremembering addresses, for example typing .net.au instead of .com.au
  • Providing shorter addresses without sacrificing the visibility and trust associated with an .au domain
When second-level registrations have been opened up overseas, for example .uk and .nz, it has been remarkably successful. This strongly suggests that .au would be similarly popular.

If you support giving businesses the option of registering domains directly under .au, please cast your vote in favour of the proposal — simply click YES for all questions.

Voting closes on Wednesday, 30th September.

Kind regards,
I guess the gloves are off eh Brett?
Pretty piss poor discussion on how it's going to affect your clients. Very balanced. Nice one.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
It's kinda funny, just got an email from a client who wasn't in favour. Told him to follow Zip's link and say they were against it. Thanks Brett.


Top Contributor
It's kinda funny, just got an email from a client who wasn't in favour. Told him to follow Zip's link and say they were against it. Thanks Brett.
good tactic
just say: answer..........

NO NO then all YES's, then comment at the end, SIMPLE


Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
You may have seen discussions recently regarding the proposal by auDA (.au Domain Administration) to simplify the Australian domain space by allowing businesses to register domain names directly in the second level, for example as companyname.au instead ofcompanyname.com.au..

And where might people have seen these discussions?
It's not been widely discussed, which is part of the issue.


Top Contributor
whether you agree or disagree, at least Netregistry is getting out there to get some feedback. It is a good lesson for people on DNT get onto the auDA survey with their own feedback, whatever that may be.
It's a good lesson that auDA should be providing both sides of the story to all stakeholders and not letting the supply side influence their customers without giving a fair and balanced view of the situation.

both comments are it in a nutshell, dnt members are not going influence if they don't act outside the square, auda isn't providing information, registrars are not providing both side of the story.

FACT: i had a client today ( VERY wealthy ) just say to me, "its ok, i'll just pay for the other one" then i asked why? he siad " i've got money " and i replied " yes but do you know you currently do not own the .net.au of your primary domain but someone in another state does, do you know that they may be able to compete for the .au in its current form of proposal, do you know that there are 4 other businesses in australia registed with ASIC that contain your name, do you know although you hold your trademark so does another but in a different vertical and the trademark has NOTHING to do with a domain name if use for a different purpose eg: dove chocolate, dove soap
SOOO, you are in for litigation HELL should this proposal pass and its worth far more then 3 minutes of your time to fill out the survey.

and PEOPLE, this is where we stand right now.

absolutely no disrespect to erhan, but i suggest we all go back to uni and become lawyers specialising in domain litigation, drop your portfolio as you will make more money sorting this mess out if it passes.



Top Contributor
ANOTHER, survey completed by a client

wow, i wonder why i am on 100% negative when i am giving BOTH sides of the story ! as apposed to netreg, ttp, zip, etc who are only giving 1 side. ( the BS positive scam )


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