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Domains for Appraisal - thanks


Regular Member
Good advice by Bacon Farmer

Not quite, he was referring to "Exact Match Domains" such as buyopals.com where the domain matches a popular search term. SellOpals.com would be another example - but not OpalSell.com so much as that is clumsy because the keywords are back to front

Stuffing every possible keyword into the domain no good.

I never considered buyopals because it sounded like I buy opals and omg I know nothing :confused: its like a huge slap in the face.

Please tell me more about this "Exact Match Domains" google thing and how its better than website content and adds value to a domain?

I have just registered buyopalsonline.com.au and i will be dropping opalsell.com :) am I learning?

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I have just registered buyopalsonline.com.au and i will be dropping opalsell.com :) am I learning?

That's great, you've just put yourself in front of a greater number of potential customers.

Did you got to the google keywords tool, do a search for opals, click the exact tick box, add include only "opals", sort the results by local monthly searches, download that list into excel, strip out the [ ] spaces add .com.au and do a bulk availability search @ drop.com.au or netfleet.com.au (need to join). You would have seen that opalsforsale was available which has 110 monthly searches vs 16 for buyopalsonline.

Exact match domains help in a number of ways, just google it to find out how. Suffice to say that the value of exact match domains is much greater than 3rd tier mishmash domains.

A good domain plus good content plus good links is the "secret" to front page google. You don't need an exact match domain but it definitely helps.


Top Contributor
OK, i'm going to go out on a limb here as i have read all the posts.


"orange" dnt is not a self help group in my opinion, you need to take some advice and WORK IT through some google search for yourself, we can only give you so much but ..... speaking for myself only.... i'm not here to teach you everything i know.

what i have found is that the memebrs give me a "piece" of advice and then i spend hours researching it to gain more knowledge and THEN and only THEN i come back and ask another question.

i've found GREAT help from DNT and i think its because the members have seen that i have done the hard yards of research rather then relying on being "given " the answers.

I have always stated i don't know it all, but also i have always stated i know somethings others might not know.

DNT to me is a share but not a " uni course "

if you want a uni course online then there are heaps of paid options and you can PM me for a few great links to them and i am MORE then willing to give you those links.

Sorry, i personally just felt this thread was heading the wrong way, please feel free to "nail me on it"
OR ignore me! alls good.


Regular Member
That's great, you've just put yourself in front of a greater number of potential customers.

Did you got to the google keywords tool, do a search for opals, click the exact tick box, add include only "opals", sort the results by local monthly searches, download that list into excel, strip out the [ ] spaces add .com.au and do a bulk availability search @ drop.com.au or netfleet.com.au (need to join). You would have seen that opalsforsale was available which has 110 monthly searches vs 16 for buyopalsonline.

Exact match domains help in a number of ways, just google it to find out how. Suffice to say that the value of exact match domains is much greater than 3rd tier mishmash domains.

A good domain plus good content plus good links is the "secret" to front page google. You don't need an exact match domain but it definitely helps.

Thanks Bacon Farmer I am considering opalsforsale as a plan B, only 16 more to fix, this could be stressful :eek:

Perhaps you might show me this google magic thing again and fix booksell and bookspot. :)

bookspot is more a brand name than an exact match domain and if I type book spot into google and pick pages from australia my site does get 3rd page match. (useless I know)

Yes I have books to sell, lots and lots and more still :)

thanks will attempt a few google excel drop things very soon



Top Contributor
Going by the time stamps and taking off 2 minutes to find and read the topic you evaluated my 17 domains in under 3 minutes and you harass anyone who offers advice.

Sorry I do not know you and you might be really helpful to others but do not be surprised I value any comments and will use them as I see fit.

Please just comment about the valuations and not others helping me, it might put some folks off.

If eBay sold bay windows or if twitter was a fellow with a chicken forum what would they be worth?

I think all domains have a value even if it isn't always so straight forward and will always take a lot of research and development.

Hopefully I can prove you wrong about my $0 domains.

Paul M.

The only thing worse than registering bad domains is wasting further time/money on them. You can listen to whoever you like but I have little doubt these names will be back in the drop pool eventually. The advice you were given to build an affiliate site was poor.


Regular Member
I would drop ebuy like a hot potato asking for trouble http://trademark.markify.com/trademarks/ctm/ebuy/001228691

i would of thought ebuyz or ebiz would be more trade markable words, I do not really understand your comment and your link to someone trying to trademark a word.

Perhaps you can show more info, I have heard if someone registered the company name of your domain you will lose it but i don't see everyone here running off to register companies to protect each of their 100's of domains.



Top Contributor
i would of thought ebuyz or ebiz would be more trade markable words, I do not really understand your comment and your link to someone trying to trademark a word.

Perhaps you can show more info, I have heard if someone registered the company name of your domain you will lose it but i don't see everyone here running off to register companies to protect each of their 100's of domains.


Ebuy is trademarked in Europe and Germany the link I showed posted says approved.

also your using ebays partner program.


Top Contributor
Australian Trademark No.800349 for EBAY arguably sounds similar to 'E BUY'.

Nice edit.

Anyway, they are in completely different classes. Like "Dove" exact word TM'd in different classes to different companies.

Not that it really matters...

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