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DomainNameTrader.com.au and DomainNameTraders.com.au

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
The thing is the australian domain space is limited so the domain name genre is not a big winner for most who enter it as a 'reseller/sales platform' that's why the low valuations

.....good luck


[domain name traders]
< 10

"domain name traders"
< 10

[domain name]
global exacts 74,000
local exacts 3,600

"domain name"


global phrase 1,220,000

local phrase match 49,500

"domain name" is a highly sort term by registrars domain resellers and domainers and can be easily monetised.

domain name traders only real use I can see for it is a forum or auction platform both take a lot of time and effort.

.net.au domains rank just as well as .com.au .com.au does get a better CTR

however if the .com.au is not developed or partially developed and you develop a .net.au there is a pretty good chance you will rank high in the search engines and will outrank the .com.au

I really appreciate the information here xwdomains...



The thing is the australian domain space is limited so the domain name genre is not a big winner for most who enter it as a 'reseller/sales platform' that's why the low valuations

.....good luck

Thanks Spacey,
I agree. I actually purchased the domains with the intention of starting up a reseller site but it's a lot of work (hence the reason for selling the domains). It looks like I may have to keep a hold of them and maybe try to do develop them in the future.

Thanks for the info and have a great weekend...


Top Contributor
did we lose sight of the fact you put them up as no reserve ? once you do that then you are instantly at $0 i guess ? the appraisal is then in the sold price.

i don't think any of the initial responses to your thread were "smart remarks" , you actually got the quality big guns to respond so give yourself a hug.

suck it up and keep posting, we'll be here :cool: god knows i've been trashed many times but thats how you learn:)


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