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Domain Sales & Privacy


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I had a guy call me the other day. I wont mention any names here, many of you would probably know of him, and he wanted to sell me the .co.uk version of a .com.au domain I own. I said I would be happy to have a look at any lists he wanted to send through to my email address and get back to him. He refused and insisted on only giving me the domains over the phone. So I had to sit there for several minutes while he read them out and I had to list them down. I queried him on it and he said his friend / partner had lost a domain not so long ago by sending round lists of domains for sale so he refused to send out lists...?!?


Top Contributor
I had a guy call me the other day. I wont mention any names here, many of you would probably know of him, and he wanted to sell me the .co.uk version of a .com.au domain I own. I said I would be happy to have a look at any lists he wanted to send through to my email address and get back to him. He refused and insisted on only giving me the domains over the phone. So I had to sit there for several minutes while he read them out and I had to list them down. I queried him on it and he said his friend / partner had lost a domain not so long ago by sending round lists of domains for sale so he refused to send out lists...?!?

well thats bull to me, you can only lose a domain by not renewing it, nobody can take it off you. the stupid thing is now you have wasted your time but you NOW have a list !!!! what was the point.

i also now have a list of domains that andrew sent me but i can tell you nobody will get it off me, reason: respect for andrews wishes which i agreed upon.


don't read any more unless you like my stories LOL


when i first started developing websites in 2001 photographers didn't want to put their images online because other photographers might copy them, the FACT was most of those photographers were copying other photographers anyway, the photography industry has since grown RAPIDLY in the digital world because of people dropping their ego's and collaboration of ideas, systems and new techniques.

live in a box all you will see is the inside of that box.


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