- $1,100 - $2,200 - $4,400 - $2,200
There are a few more pending transfer..
There is plenty of interest from prospective buyers wanting to acquire names but actually getting them to sign the transfer paperwork and handover the money is a completely different ball game.
Thanks Neddy.
There is plenty of interest from prospective buyers wanting to acquire names but actually getting them to sign the transfer paperwork and handover the money is a completely different ball game.
In my experience I'd say roughly 60% of the time the "buyer" disappears after a price has been negotiated and the sale falls through. Is this common for the rest of you?
Sad but true. I now have a list of time wasters and wannabes...
Sorry to hear that DMP. Happens squillions of times a day on eBay for general stuff, so I guess we've got to expect a bit of that too. Hopefully not too much though!
As a matter of interest, what do you believe is a reasonable timeframe to agree to purchase, pay and then do transfer paperwork on an average domain name (not necessarily high end)?
DMP - make sure you report those sales to DNJournal this time!
When we did those auctions a while ago 6 of the eleven bidders shot through
The other thing is I think buyers don't realise there is a transfer fee (or underestimate it)
To be honest I find the sellers who aren't greedy do the most business. Most of the domains I have sold are from the same 4 owners.
As for Netfleet sales - here they are to round off the month of Aug: