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Domain Name Company - new scam


Top Contributor
Of course it's scam! A scam doesn't have to be illegal.

now thats one of the silliest and incorrect statements i have ever heard, lets just make it black and white and not alter the facts to suit ourselves

what is a scam as defined in the dictionary and in law--> A scam is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence, now the important word here is "fraud" and as we all know, fraud is illegal, thus for something to be a scam it MUST be illegal

so i will state it once again, if you have sold any of your so called "premium" domains for more than their advertised price of $237, then based on your own logic, it would also make you also a scammer


Regular Member
Hi Sasha,
You are focussing only on the price. It doesn't matter if Domain Name Company offer domains for $247 or just $2. The issue here is that they are sending out unsolicited letters that look like invoices, implying there is an ongoing business relationship and continuing service, and that payment needs to be made.


Top Contributor
I'm sorry but I disagree. We obviously have a different view on what is deceptive and what is considered proper business ethics.

i dont care as you not disagreeing with me but with your own "logic" and business ethics is a totally different issue and having "bad" business ethics does NOT make something illegal


Top Contributor
Hi Sasha,
You are focussing only on the price. It doesn't matter if Domain Name Company offer domains for $247 or just $2. The issue here is that they are sending out unsolicited letters that look like invoices, implying there is an ongoing business relationship and continuing service, and that payment needs to be made.

thats not a true statement at all, because if they were selling these domain names for $2, you would not be here whinging but instead you would be hand registering as many domains as you can get for $2 each and ringing everybody you know and telling them to do same


Regular Member
if they were selling these domain names for $2, you would not be here whinging but instead you would be hand registering as many domains as you can get for $2 each and ringing everybody you know and telling them to do same

I can guarantee you that I would not be registering something as important as domain names with a dodgy organisation like that, no matter what their price was.


Top Contributor
i dont care as you not disagreeing with me but with your own "logic" and business ethics is a totally different issue and having "bad" business ethics does NOT make something illegal
Business ethics mean alot to me when I have been visiting your website looking at domain names to purchase.


Regular Member

The conduct of Domain Name Company is described to the letter in that page on the ACCC's ScamWatch website. Hopefully through more public awareness and education, these sorts of organisations, who base much of their revenue on trickery, will eventually go out of business.


Top Contributor
sasha you never cease to amaze me !
your logic ?
a domain name is not a "hand reg" , its "real estate" , your logic suggests that i bought a house in 1973 for $5k and in 2015 i should sell it to you for $5k
(maybe repeating the above other members )
you also seem to suggest that KNOWLEDGE is worth nothing, that investing in opportunity at incredible risk of not receiving a return means i should not benefit from that risk.

you also suggest that no business should make a profit, as this is a business.

the difference is that domainers who sell a domain don't send letters that look like invoices, they don't send letters for domains they don't presently own, they don't try and "TRICK" someone into buying it as most deals are done with a few conversations whether by phone or email, i geez i could go on and on.
so i just presently don't get your posts in this thread? because i see this on your website http://screencast.com/t/QDSE7466C4

is it just me thats not getting that you are calling yourself a scammer ? doesn't make sense.

i just can't for your response to a $14k domain



Top Contributor
There are plenty of people charging $100, $200, $300 for domain registrations and renewals.
i have posted before, i charge $90 +GST for domain renewals, its cheaper they MIT, but just like today i get a client so typically saying " i bought a new computer and need help setting up the email as i've lost my password "
OR, some idiot sends them a "funny jpg" that is 26MG and clogs their download so i have to go into cpanel etc etc
so the extra money is "service"
as for selling a domain, i think " i got there first and have taken a financial risk for hope of return " is FAIR.



Regular Member
Looks like Domain Name Company have significantly re-written the small print "disclaimer" at the bottom of the letters that look like invoices they are sending out to domain owners. I just got one fresh in the mail today. The wording now says:

"This is an invitation to register [insert domain name]. That domain name is presently unregistered. Disregard this letter if you do not wish to register. This is not a bill. You are not required to pay any money."

The old wording was:

"This is an invitation to register - if you are not the proprietor or do not wish to register, disregard this letter."

However, it is still in a small font at the bottom of what looks like an invoice - easily skipped over.


Top Contributor
If that company is still paying good money to send out another batch of old-school letters via snail-mail, some poor suckers must still be handing over their money to them. The fine print must be working for them, or why would they bother to keep sending them out by the millions?

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