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Domain expiry date


I had 2 domain names which expired on the 6th and 7th June 2012. My Registrar did not remind me that they were to expire.
On the 11th July I noted they were dropped and sold to someone else.
Is this correct? Isn't there a "pending" time period.
Both were valuable domains.
Can I do anything?
sorry to hear about that - were your registrant contact details correct ?

Quite often registrars send out reminders but people change email addresses and forget to update their whois data. The whois policy requires registrants to keep their whois data upto date.

There is a grace period once a domain name expires - once a domain expires it goes into pending delete status (for a limited time) to give people a chance to renew if they overlooked the renewal.

You cant do anything about it now, except offering to buy the domain from the new registrant, otherwise I recommend diarising expiry dates in future.


Thanks for the reply. I guess it was my own stupidity for not diarising it. The guy that refused to pay the transfer fee when it was on auction at Netfleet and left me with no sale now has the domain. I am angry.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I'd be hitting up the registrar with a please explain regarding the renewal emails. If they failed to send them I'd ask for compensation.


Top Contributor
My Registrar did not remind me that they were to expire.

So you never got an email regarding the upcoming expiry, nor an email with an invoice for payment?

Were the domains registered directly with an auDA accredited registrar, or were they with a reseller of a registrar?


They were with www.name.com.au also known as Domain Central, also known as Bottle.com.au.
I guess it explains everything.


Top Contributor
I'd be hitting up the registrar with a please explain regarding the renewal emails. If they failed to send them I'd ask for compensation.

You would have a clear case for this if they didn't send the emails but I think in pretty much every case of this, it's turned out the emails were being sent but the email address has chnaged or Junk filters were blocking it etc.


Top Contributor
win some, loose some, learn a lot

i think we have all been here before so you are not alone


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