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DNTrade Dropping Domains Helper


Top Contributor
DNTrade has launched a new tool called the "DNTrade Dropping Domains Helper" as part of our VIP membership, to help members quickly sort through the daily .au drops and find names that might be of interest.

If you want to jump straight to the tool, here you go: https://www.dntrade.com.au/drops.php

It's only in the early stages of development, but we're hoping VIP members will enjoy using it.

Here's a quick overview of the features...

Fast search and sort

DNTrade Rank (our own score), Alexa, DMOZ, PageRank, alternate extensions, etc.

Export a selection to clipboard, CSV or Excel for your records and own analysis

As a special introductory offer we are giving ALL DNTrade members a free trial for the first week so you can check it out for yourself.


After this time, the tool will be available as part of the VIP membership. A big thanks goes out to Atom for his help with the backend and also to Peter and Cal for helping test. I'd love to know what you guys think. Keep in mind that this is v1 and we still have some ideas in the pipeline to further improve it.

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Top Contributor
DMOZ, PR, Alexa, dropping names

Hi Chris, well done on developing a great tool, very useful. Atom, nice PHP programming work there mate. Cal, you helped make sense of it all. It was great working on this project and I am glad I could contribute.

Chris I love your idea of developing a tool that domainers can benefit from to contribute to the community here on DNTrade, to make it a better recourse for us members.

I have not seen another tool like this available on any other forums and I feel it is a very valuable resource for sure.

I will be watching the dropping names with great interest.


Top Contributor
Love it! This news story caught the eye of even non-domainers, it's crazy the kinds of domains that people let drop.

Ha ha, yeah the Cat Ladies site... That's a top example, if people don't learn from this then they never will.

So I just saw alliedinsurance.com.au in the new drop tool at https://www.dntrade.com.au/drops.php

That's gotta be worth something, anybody care to give an appraisal? I might ask this in the appraisals thread.


Top Contributor
Well done to you and everyone who put this together -

whats next? side by side bidding for netfleet and drop? ;)


Top Contributor
Well done to you and everyone who put this together -

whats next? side by side bidding for netfleet and drop? ;)

Thanks for the feedback Scott!

No plans for side-by-side bidding, but we are going to add direct links to Drop and Netfleet (like the sidebar).

The main objective of the tool was to try and help streamline what many members are already doing manually.

Quite a few people are using it now and we have some updates coming very soon.



Is there any way you can setup email alerts with this tool or with NF or DROP so that it send you droping domains that meet your preloaded keywords ? Have been wanting this for a while so I don't have to watch drops every day

Sent via DNTrade mobile


Top Contributor
i use netfleet alerts and find it a REAL time saving device ( no offense to drop as i am sure its just as good ) but NF will pick up AMA's i think? hmmm, haven't checked that !

i use short words, meaning if i was looking for "dubbodentist" or similar i would make the alert "dent" , i find the report picks up alot of names i wouldn't have considered that way.

it does make the report longer but you fine tune it over time.

the reality IS you still will miss things of interest to you as you simply haven't thought of that extension to what you are doing.


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