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Direct AU Implementation

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Welcome to a suspended marketplace ...... do we don't we??
I knew this rubbish would eventually appear and I have not regged any Aussie names for a while, good luck to all


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Welcome to a suspended marketplace ...... do we don't we??
I knew this rubbish would eventually appear and I have not regged any Aussie names for a while, good luck to all
Kind of like the elections that are about to occur..
Everyone is waiting to see what happens..
I tell you if you're a business about to invest many thousands on a name, you might wish to reconsider, as you may be up for thousands more.. by getting the equivalent.au. Let's hope we all get to find out soon how it's all going to be implemented..


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the market isn't suspended, it will just slow for those who "know" , but most don't, so time for a bloody good spring clean.

whats different about the election is there is an element of knowledge everyone is being told, with auda you get nothing, not even as a member

waiting isn't an option imo, this could be years and you would have missed the boat on what you could have made along the way.
a dropping of sale values however may occur because of risk, i think if you are prepardd to buy a good domain then you plan to make money so just buy it.

- they can't possibly have a different price per domain, who makes that decision when most sales go unreported,
carz.au $22.
cars.au $220,000 !
Let's hope we all get to find out soon how it's all going to be implemented..
? so you are just going to sit back and watch someone screw your business?



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I tell you if you're a business about to invest many thousands on a name, you might wish to reconsider, as you may be up for thousands more.. by getting the equivalent.au. Let's hope we all get to find out soon how it's all going to be implemented..

My understanding of .uk is that it did sap confidence from the entire market, domainers and endusers. I think .com.au has probably already been hit but it is hard to really follow because there has also been the ongoing effect of the EMD changes a few years ago.

The enduser market will degrade further as word spreads about the changes in my view.


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the market isn't suspended, it will just slow for those who "know" , but most don't, so time for a bloody good spring clean.

I think a large % of those looking to spend 4 figures+ on a domain will know, the IT people in medium/large companies will know. MelbourneIT has already emailed its clients about the .au proposal, that is a big chunk of Australia's "endusers".


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waiting isn't an option imo, this could be years and you would have missed the boat on what you could have made along the way.
a dropping of sale values however may occur because of risk, i think if you are prepared to buy a good domain then you plan to make money so just buy it.

This is so true. People are always looking for excuses not to do something. If it's a great name and you have a solid plan for it, then go for it.


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Has anyone phoned Jo Lim at Auda over the last few days to lodge official complaints ? I recommend you do if you want to be taken somewhat seriously.

The Yes vote rigging by Auda Board member Melbourne IT needs to be addressed by Auda and not swept under the carpet.
PROOF the Yes vote was rigged ! http://www.domainer.com.au/justifying-the-end-result/ . Try to deny this Melbourne IT, Auda and other board members!

This is a disgrace from Melbourne IT and others to let is happen and affect results used to justify the change.

Even now 1.7 million .com.au owners do not know this is coming, how it will affect them, what it will cost them to get the .au to protect their .com.au investment, how much extra it will be to pay double renewal fees, how many legal disputes it will create etc etc.



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i would suggest anything you say is followed up with a letter, stating somehing over the phone is to for them to not take notice.
that YES answer, it would have been so easy to make it into a NO answer, thats why it was a cheat.
politicians get sacked for less.
don't hide behind a independant survey company did it, they had to be given the information.


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1. No, but possibly 5-10 years down the track
2. Eventually weaken .com.au space

Allocating who has the rights to each name is going to be the biggest issue the AUDA board have faced in a long time (probably since the Policy changes in the mid 2000s). For me the longer it takes to get this right the better.
Do government departments, charities and education providers take preference?
Does the person who registered their name first take preference?
Does the person with an actual company with the same OR similar name that has been trading for more than 3 years take preference?
Does it just come down to whether OR not you own the .COM.AU?

Here's an example of an old client of mine who would benefit from the new .AU space:

In the mid 90's when we started to register domain names, there was a clear set of guides associated with each extension (not enforceable, but understood). .NET.au for example, was never going to take off because it use was really supposed to be for ISPs OR other companies involved in networking and web tech.

So I have a client who still has and uses the.net.au name as they registered it back in the 90's based on the above principles, but didn't get the COM.au name at the time. In the early 2000s, they realized they should have both, but unfortunately the .com.au name was registered. AND hasn't been used in any real capacity since (parked pages, landing pages, companies that seemed to be only created based on wanting to make use of the name etc.).

So for them the opportunity to register the .AU would be ideal.

So who takes preference in this circumstance?


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So I have a client who still has and uses the.net.au name as they registered it back in the 90's based on the above principles, but didn't get the COM.au name at the time. In the early 2000s, they realized they should have both, but unfortunately the .com.au name was registered. AND hasn't been used in any real capacity since (parked pages, landing pages, companies that seemed to be only created based on wanting to make use of the name etc.).

So for them the opportunity to register the .AU would be ideal.

So who takes preference in this circumstance?

Personally I think the owner of the .com.au should take preference over the .net.au. For this particular client wouldn't they be better off trying to acquire the .com.au? Getting the .au isn't going to solve the problem for them.


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you are right damien, that is the perfect example of a VERY tricky one, this is where even though i say " stuff the .net.au" you can't deny there history, and even if that .com.au had been in use just the last 5 years.
its a tough one


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you are right damien, that is the perfect example of a VERY tricky one, this is where [either though i say] " stuff the .net.au" you can't deny, and even if that .com.au had been in use just the last 5 years.


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Interesting article on DomainIncite.

"The majority of businesses in the UK don’t care about direct second-level .uk domains, even when the benefits are spelled out for them, according to Nominet research".
Interesting, but not surprising I'm sure you'd agree!
Suggestions such as making the domains free (they currently cost £2.50 a year, the same as a 3LD) or bribing a big anchor tenant such as the BBC to switch were suggested.
This is exactly what I said auDA would need to do to make direct registrations work. They'd need to get News.com.au or Carsales.com.au or similar to switch so that the general public can start to get used to a different domain format.

Or option 2... Just don't bother with direct registrations and there is no problem! :p


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I'm thinking there might be a last minute rush to obtain .uk
I'm sure it's in the registrars best interest & advise them to do this

I am surprised by these statistics..


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At a recent search conference I asked a few of the UK speakers whether *they* recommend clients use .co.uk or .uk for new projects. It was almost split down the middle, with preference towards .co.uk as the promoted URL.

I have seen a few .uk sites in the UK AdWords results, the organic SERPs are still dominated by .co.uk.


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I'm thinking there might be a last minute rush to obtain .uk
yep, but not from NEW people, from current people.

WOW, i can change my website and stationery and marketing and backlinks and possibly WIN tickets to BIG events !!!


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There are now more than 1000 domain name extensions worldwide available..People are not stupid now.. most fail completely..Do not fear Registrars & "Supply" etc. will keep making up new one's every day..... for their financial benefit!

People still trust the main extensions. Most companies have not bothered with the .net.au version of their .com.au name as a good example and most .com.uk companies have not taken up the additional cost of an extra .uk.

Registrars and "Supply" want the $$$.. they will spin it all they can to say this is the latest and greatest etc... protect yourself you must buy this extra extension etc... People and companies could spend a fortune wasting money believing them.

They tried it years ago in Australia.. You must get the .net also if you have the .com.au to protect yourself etc.. Personally I visit and buy from the .com.au far more than I would visit or trust a .net.au website. This is actually how it was first marketed. The .com.au is safe .. for commercial entities etc etc... People expect serious companies and market leaders to have the .com, .com.au, .co.uk etc. Most people know people invest more for those names and this also increases people's trust in it.


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I will probably only register my top 10 domains, in .au provided .com.au holders get 1st choice.
I'd imagine .co.uk domainers, large companies with good generic one word domain names to do the same with .uk

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