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Court battle looming over negative posts


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Another case of Whirlpool ranking for branded terms, not too dissimilar to the negative posts about WME some time back:

Online forum Whirlpool is being dragged to court by a Melbourne-based financial services provider, which says the Australian website is refusing to remove a negative post about its services.

WCS Group, which is based in the Melbourne suburb of Essendon and licensed through the National Australia Bank, filed a statement of claim against Whirlpool in the Supreme Court of Victoria on August 7.


WCS is seeking an injunction to have the post removed, having previously requested the posts be removed three times through its lawyers Wantrup and Associates. WCS Group is also seeking damages and costs of an unspecified amount.

Via SmartCompany

The company seeking the action is currently running heavy radio advertising on at least one station, and I had wondered about their claims of "paying your mortgage off in 10 years".

I'm sure there are many publishers here who increasingly feel the need to watch they publish.


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I think when I start my Domainer.com.au blog, I will do it from the safety of the Ecuadorian Embassy. ;)


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WCS argued Whirlpool “derived a commercial benefit” from leaving the comments on the forum. However, it is well known that Whirlpool is not a commercial operation.
Someone must have slipped some adsense ads inside the Whirlpool forum threads without the owners knowing, or perhaps the ads are displayed for 'charitable purposes'.


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Whirlpool shows ads if you are not a registered member. WME went about it a different way they tried to sue the forum owners, then they sued anyone who made a comment haha....

Thing is all the comments were fair and real, not WME has gone and set up a new domain SEO QUOTES and is back to business doing the dodgy again. Customers are starting to wake up tho and do research before they go with a company.

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