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Contested au domains


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When is the time period coming up to re-contest .au domains that had multiple parties vying for them?
Will Drop.com.au send reminders ?


Top Contributor
AFAIK, the .au direct applications are valid for 12 months from the date of your application so it'll depend on when you submitted each one.
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For some reason I remember 6 months for the contested .au applications at which time you have to re-apply.
But I think you’re right - 12 months would make more sense.


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For Drop clients we have provided a Contested page that lists any of your domain names that are currently contested here:

The plan is to provide a Renew your token option on this page. Yes we will provide reminders when this needs to be done by.

Currently auDA have not provided the Registrars the specs on ho to renew tokens, hence why there is no option to renew them at this stage. Once we have all the details we can add that functionality in.
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Top Contributor

For Drop clients we have provided a Contested page that lists any of your domain names that are currently contested here:

The plan is to provide a Renew your token option on this page. Yes we will provide reminders when this needs to be done by.

Currently auDA have not provided the Registrars the specs on ho to renew tokens, hence why there is no option to renew them at this stage. Once we have all the details we can add that functionality in.
Awesome. Thanks Trellian

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