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Confusion regarding AUDA's domain name monetisation policy


Top Contributor
New to domaining and confused by the legalistic/specific wording jargon used in AUDA's domain name monetisation policy.

4.1 It is acceptable to register domain names under the close and substantial connection rule for the explicit purpose of domain monetisation within the category “a service that the registrant provides”. The “service” being provided by a domainer is the service of providing users with information and advertising links about the subject matter of the domain name.

4.2 If a domain name resolves to a monetised website then auDA is entitled to regard the domain name as having been registered for the purpose of domain monetisation under this policy. auDA is also entitled to take into account a pattern of conduct on the part of the registrant in determining whether or not a domain name was registered for the purpose of domain monetisation under this policy.

The bold part of 4.2 - I'm left with "And therefore?" So they regard my domain names as being used for monetisation, and therefore what?

So as long as I have relevant links and/or information pertaining to the subject of the domain name, it's okay to monetise .com.au domain names (After a 6-month cooling off period?)


Top Contributor
New to domaining and confused by the legalistic/specific wording jargon used in AUDA's domain name monetisation policy.

Do not feel alone techmo. Some very experienced domainers are still occasionally confused. ;)

We are hopeful of having an "Ask auDA" thread soon where general questions like this can be answered by someone from auDA directly.

In the meantime, I'm sure some of the senior domainers here will give you their opinion!
Hi Techmo

The real kicker or 'the therefore' for domainers is as follows:

4.3 In addition to their obligations under auDA Published Policies and the Registrant Agreement (domain name licence), domainers must comply with the following conditions of use:

a) the content on a monetised website must be related specifically and predominantly to the domain name; and

b) the domain name must not be, or incorporate, an entity name, personal name or brand name in existence at the time the domain name was registered.

My view on this policy is well known, I think it is discriminatory against domainers, it seeks to impose a form of censorship and is unreasonable.


Top Contributor
Hi Techmo

The real kicker or 'the therefore' for domainers is as follows:

4.3 In addition to their obligations under auDA Published Policies and the Registrant Agreement (domain name licence), domainers must comply with the following conditions of use:

a) the content on a monetised website must be related specifically and predominantly to the domain name; and

b) the domain name must not be, or incorporate, an entity name, personal name or brand name in existence at the time the domain name was registered.

My view on this policy is well known, I think it is discriminatory against domainers, it seeks to impose a form of censorship and is unreasonable.

So what can be done to change it exactly?


Top Contributor
Do not feel alone techmo. Some very experienced domainers are still occasionally confused. ;)

We are hopeful of having an "Ask auDA" thread soon where general questions like this can be answered by someone from auDA directly.

That would be great - look forward to it Ned!


Top Contributor
there is an auDA Panel reviewing this at the moment, I understand that its final paper will be released for comment. That is the best time to express your views

I certainly hope the comments made once the final paper is released for comment, will actually be taken on board.

Do you have any link to the AUDA site that I can check back at a later date to see the final paper, or have a date of the final paper's release?


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