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Conditions of Use


Top Contributor
Just wondering if anyone puts a 'conditions of use' or 'terms and conditions' page on their sites disclaiming liabilities and stating the site is provided 'as is' and 'as available'.

I'm working on a site that will use licensed characters and am operating on the principle of fair use but wonder if their should be a copyright infringement policy included on one of the aforementioned pages?

Any ideas?




Top Contributor
I think if you have concerns than you should outline the policy clearly. Can you expand a little on what you are doing and what you deem fair for others in terms of usage?

For example: maybe you are happy for people to republish your work, but only for non-commerical projects.
it is best to put up a set up terms of use. If people can post content on your website you should also consider having a copyright policy or prohibition on posting copyright materials.


Top Contributor
Thanks for the replies, however I think the wording of my original post has caused a little confusion.

To try and clarify:

I have noticed on some sites under their 'conditions of use' page that they list trademark owners of material they have used, i.e. the Nike tick is a trade mark of Nike etc... My question is whether any one includes this information on their sites?

For instance I am working on a page about spongebob squigglepants on computer-games /com/au at the moment and I have used his likeness. I'm wondering if anyone has found themselves in this situation before and if so have they listed the trademark owners under a 'disclaimer' or 'conditions of use' page OR is it considered fair use and there is no need to provide acknowledgement?

identifying a trademark owner on your website does not give you a blank cheque to do as you please. You need to be very careful not to infringe anyone's trademark or other IP rights. Best to get legal advice on your specific circumstances / plans before you go live

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