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Hi Jay,

So what is the point. You guys dog domains all the time that do well and when they do its like"....not worth it, waste of money..' or whatever else.

Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, as is any member on DNTrade. However, I don't feel this comment is fair or accurate.

The important question is, Who sits there and looks at every single domain in Netfleets list? How many are there on sale for the day? Yet only maybe 10 to 20 get bids.

Apart from the constant 'I'm better domainer than you' attitude....how about getting to the nitty gritty details of how to make a domain stand out?....Oh thats right, theres always google to give me those answers....why would one think that a forum based around Au domaining might give them some of the answers they were looking for?

DNTrade is lucky to have many experienced and intelligent members that contribute to the forum and the community regularly, often not expecting anything in return. There is plenty of advice and links to places to help learn the ropes, but it still takes experience. Jay, you don't have to agree with the advice offered by members but please respect their right to free speech.

This is the reason I'm starting to sell off the domains...its a mugs game and a closed circle, just like many prospecting forums....heaven forbid that someone might actually 'figure it out' and make some money out of it.....thanks for nothing.\

Happy to have my membership to this forum deleted, the negativity oozing from some peoples attitudes is toxic.

I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. Sure sometimes comments may seem negative, but often blunt advice can be priceless. If DNTrade was overrun with "make money easy" stuff it would give people false hope and become useless, I myself wouldn't enjoy participating.


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