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Apart from me approaching endusers on some of my domains, this week I have had eight enquiries on names. One came via a signature link here; the others from parking pages at Fabulous and Rook.

Enquiries won't pay the rent.


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You guys are hilarious sometimes...


It's always the same argument, just with different examples.

You're all skinning the cat a different way and arguing over whether the AU market is good or shit based on your method of skinning.

It's the same with value investors vs growth investors vs traders in the share market...

Not every method works all the time in the same market. So...

Paul you are right the AU market isn't like the .com market there is next to no parking revenues and their isn't a very liquid market (though hat tip to NF for doing a great job trying to build one).

David you are right, if you are relying on a ponzi effect over time for anything but domains that sell for $50+ at expiry auctions in the AU market you will be disappointed.

Ned you are right, buying cheap on the auctions (or occasionally hand regging) and selling to end users is best way to make sales in the AU market.

Paul you are right that actively marketing and selling domains means you have just created a job (god forbid people have to work hard to making AU domaining work).

David you are right, AU domains seem to be appreciating in value.

Paul you are right that appreciating from $200 to $400 over 2 years still might not justify investing because it's only an absolute return of $200, despite being a return of 40%pa it doesn't pay a week's rent!

David you are right, developing is a good method for extracting value because unlike the COM market competition in Australia is FAR lower meaning rankings are FAR easier to achieve.

Paul you are right that Google is bitch slapping junk MFA websites on a regular basis which increases the risk of development.

Surely we all can see the different sides of the coin...

... but for what it's worth I look at a domain like carauctions.com.au and think that if I knew anything about that industry and had any contacts/supporters in it, plus enough capital behind me, I'd happily pay $70,000 for it, with another $30,000 for development and I'd have a real go and streamlining and bringing the car auction industry online for the betterment of all Australians.

But I don't have $100,000 lying around at the moment - nor do I know anything about the industry.

And if there is one thing I know about investing it is, you need to stick to what you know best. So Ned will keep selling domains, David will keep developing, and Paul I assume you will continue to leverage COMs.


Top Contributor
Enquiries won't pay the rent.

But sales do. And you can't have the latter without the former.


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