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Call for Submissions ending 31 July

Just a reminder auDA has called for submissions on its Draft Accountability and Transparency Framework - the deadline is 31 July 2012.

Draft Accountability and Transparency Framework
In April 2011 the auDA Board commissioned Westlake Consulting Ltd (WCL) to conduct an independent review into the governance of .au. WCL provided its final report to the Board in December 2011, and the Board published its response in February 2012.

One of WCL’s recommendations was for auDA to “develop and publish an Accountability and Transparency Framework, broadly similar to that developed by ICANN.” The Board accepted the recommendation and charged its Governance, Board Succession and Remuneration Committee to oversee the implementation.

Public Consultation
The Committee has approved a draft Accountability and Transparency Framework for public consultation.

auDA invites its members, stakeholders and other interested parties to comment on the draft Accountability and Transparency Framework.

Please send your comments to:

Jo Lim
Chief Operations and Policy Officer
Email: jo.lim@auda.org.au
Fax: 03 8341 4112

All comments will be published on the auDA website, unless clearly marked confidential.

The closing date for comments is 31 July 2012.

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