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Call for nominations for election to auDA Board


Top Contributor
Best of luck to the candidates.

Just wanting to present a view to balance the point about topics here on DNTrade.

From the homepage of this site, it can be seen that the topics and forums have been thought about quite purposefully to offer the members and readers the broadest range of threads without getting off topic.

As with the nature of a public forum, it is up to the individual how they interact with, consume and filter the knowledge and information contained within the threads.

Meaningful contribution is always the key to a great forum and is always welcomed. If people feel there is not enough topic diversity, then they are welcome to start threads on any given topic they consider relevant. Further forums can be created if the threads prove popular enough.

I for one find the discussion here to be both a professional reference, and also a place for a bit of a sounding board. I'm am biased but I find DNTrade to be a good diverse community.

Have a great weekend all :)


Top Contributor
Maybe current and prospective auDA Board members would like to comment on the latest thread regarding Netfleet's proposed auction platform changes:


It would be great to hear from all that have nominated or seek re-election for an auDA Board position.

Rather than just saying "vote for me" make a comment about the Netfleet thread so auDA members know who and what they are voting for at the upcoming elections.


Top Contributor
Did anyone vote for this Steven Roddis?:D Copy of email below, I nearly replied to him, but thought why bother.


Hi !
I need your help, but first take a look at this page http://www.auda.org.au/registrars/accredited-registrars/ don't worry I'll still be here when you come back. Did you see it? I didn't at first glance either, down the bottom:
auDA has authorised Ziphosting Pty Ltd, MD Webhosting Pty Ltd, NetRegistry Pty Ltd, Planet Domain Pty Ltd, TPP Domains Pty Ltd and TPP Wholesale Pty Ltd to share registry connections for the purpose of operating the Netfleet domain catching service.
auDA has authorised Drop.com.au Pty Ltd, Fabulous.com.au Pty Ltd and Yexa Pty Ltd to share registry connections for the purpose of operating the Drop.com.au domain catching service.
Really? auDA is not just complacent but explicitly authorising two domain drop catching services. You have probably seen them for the .com space, a domain expires and before it even is available for the public to register - it is snapped up by the registrar and a high price tag slapped on it. Sanity help you if that was your domain.
If you are like me and want to see this activity gone,
Vote for Steven Roddis
Voting Closes: 5pm AEDST on Friday 11 October 2013. If don't have a fax machine (I don't blame you) shoot me an email with the scanned form and I'll fax it for you.
I am for:
• Little visible whois info, but not all hidden
• private whois (I hate spammers too!)
• domain approval (stop domainers)
I am against:
• dotless domains (security risk)
• gTLDs (cash grab& security risk)
• domain tasting (domainers)
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss my candidacy further.
Thank you for your vote,
Steven Roddis


Top Contributor
my first time voting, I am really excited to see the numbers come out and who gets in.

does auda automatically email it to you or do you have to fax a request ?

my first time voting, I am really excited to see the numbers come out and who gets in.

does auda automatically email it to you or do you have to fax a request ?


Tim why don't you come to the AGM, the results are released at the AGM. auDA encourages members to attend the AGM and ask any questions, or just sit back and observe

I believe there is an auDA members drinks function afterwards, details of the AGM are:

Date: Tuesday 15 October 2013
Time: 4.00pm
Venue: Park Hyatt, 1 Parliament Square, Melbourne


Regular Member
Josh Rowe and Paul Levins were re-elected as directors from Demand class. Simon Johnson was close behind.

In Supply class George Pongas and Kartic Srinivasan were re-elected.

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
Hi Everyone,

The numbers were extremely close this year. A difference of just 6 votes!!! :eek:

Just a gentle reminder to:

a) Vote on time (some people missed the 5pm EST deadline)
b) Ensure your membership doesn't lapse.

The reality is that is extremely difficult in Demand Class to get elected (I've been trying longer than anyone). I really appreciate your support and the kind words from people who went to the AGM and supported me. :cool:

I've said for years that "your vote *really* matters". Todays result is proof of that. :)

For now, DNT should focus on meaningful change via participating in panels making submissions and getting involved in things like the IGF and other industry activities. We really have a lot to do to educate the marketplace and change the industry for the better.



Top Contributor
Supply Class
James Deck 3 votes
George Pongas 14 votes
Kartic Srinivasan 11 votes
George Pongas and Kartic Srinivasan elected.

Demand Class
Adam Blake 4 votes
Simon Johnson 25 votes
Paul Levins 37 votes
Steven Roddis 6 votes
Joshua Rowe 31 votes
Karl Schaffarczyk 7 votes
Grant Wiltshire 10 votes
Paul Levins and Joshua Rowe elected.


Top Contributor
Supply Class
James Deck 3 votes
George Pongas 14 votes
Kartic Srinivasan 11 votes
George Pongas and Kartic Srinivasan elected.

Demand Class
Adam Blake 4 votes
Simon Johnson 25 votes
Paul Levins 37 votes
Steven Roddis 6 votes
Joshua Rowe 31 votes
Karl Schaffarczyk 7 votes
Grant Wiltshire 10 votes
Paul Levins and Joshua Rowe elected.

Interesting to see the difference in the number of total "demand class" votes between 2011 and 2013. Less than half this year.

This is 2011:

Joshua Rowe - 79 votes (this year 31 votes)
Paul Levins - 64 votes (this year 37 votes)
Erhan Karabardak - 60 votes (not participating)
Simon Johnson - 41 votes (this year 25 votes)
Rosemary Sinclair - 12 votes (not participating)
Lisa Jarrett - 7 votes (not participating)

  • Total votes 2013 = 120

  • Total votes 2011 = 263

So either membership has declined; or apathy has set in - or a combination of both.


Top Contributor
Josh Rowe and Paul Levins were re-elected as directors from Demand class. Simon Johnson was close behind.

In Supply class George Pongas and Kartic Srinivasan were re-elected.

Congratulations to all those elected.

Sorry to hear you just missed out Simon, I agree more participation and education is key.



Top Contributor
Interesting to see the difference in the number of total "demand class" votes between 2011 and 2013. Less than half this year.

This is 2011:

Joshua Rowe - 79 votes (this year 31 votes)
Paul Levins - 64 votes (this year 37 votes)
Erhan Karabardak - 60 votes (not participating)
Simon Johnson - 41 votes (this year 25 votes)
Rosemary Sinclair - 12 votes (not participating)
Lisa Jarrett - 7 votes (not participating)

  • Total votes 2013 = 120

  • Total votes 2011 = 263

So either membership has declined; or apathy has set in - or a combination of both.

It's a big drop!

To those that attended, I'd be curious to know if there were more or less people attending than usual?


Top Contributor

is it just me or do you all see this ? election is over, all members of auda got emails requesting you to vote for the candidates and now ..................nothing.

? NO interaction with DNT, no "thankyou for your vote but I lost ( I think simon excluded )

So here we are .......... and now are we not going to hear or converse with auda in this forum until the next election until they want our votes again ?

I for one would like auda's opinion on many views that get tabled here on DNT, but if you are elected to auda and aren't reading this then I think that's a real shame, if you are and don't state your case of where you stand on what DNT members talk about then that's a shame as well.

I don't think you have to monitor every thread, that would be silly, but this one is what everyone used before the election so you surely must be receiving this post notification.

PLEASE don't reply " we are working out our ongoing strategy" as that's what you told us in your emails you had in place before being elected .

communication, that's all, you have a wealth of knowledge and feedback on tap here in DNT , opinionated ( me and others ) , informed, well seasoned, newbies ( the future) .......... the list goes on.

so please get involved as I want to know what you are doing that is going to effect my clients, the "dubbodentist" example, joe blow in a country town.

at the very least if you just post a link to a new policy on this forum.



Top Contributor
I also see no ads on TV promoting the major political parties of our country. No door knocking by local candidates either. I bet we do come next election time.

It is what it is...


Top Contributor
I also see no ads on TV promoting the major political parties of our country. No door knocking by local candidates either. I bet we do come next election time.

It is what it is...

I actually have the same opinion of my local member of parliament.


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