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Best place to try and backorder a .AU domain.


Hey guys,

I'm waiting for the 20th for a nice .au domain im seeking to become avaliable.

The owner has not claimed it and im just wondering the best way to backorder it to maximise my chances of getting it?

Kind Regards



Top Contributor
Welcome Zyzz,

You have a few options:

You can try to catch/register the domain on the 4th of October when all the names not taken by the 20 Sep will actually drop by doing these:

1. hand reg right after the drops (only recommended if you feel no one else will want this domain)
2. use Drop.com.au to catch it for you, best chance of securing the domain
3. place a back order with your registrar that you currently use... note that if someone places an order with Drop, the back order placed with a different registrar is not likely to succeed as Drop has superior drop catching technology.


Welcome Zyzz,

You have a few options:

You can try to catch/register the domain on the 4th of October when all the names not taken by the 20 Sep will actually drop by doing these:

1. hand reg right after the drops (only recommended if you feel no one else will want this domain)
2. use Drop.com.au to catch it for you, best chance of securing the domain
3. place a back order with your registrar that you currently use... note that if someone places an order with Drop, the back order placed with a different registrar is not likely to succeed as Drop has superior drop catching technology.
Hi Trellian Im a member of Drop but cant find the backorder area for .au. Is this going to be updated?


Top Contributor

Not released yet. There will be a new page added next to the Daily Drops menu link and we will send an email as soon as it is released and ready for bidding.



Not released yet. There will be a new page added next to the Daily Drops menu link and we will send an email as soon as it is released and ready for bidding.
They responded this

Thank you for your message.

We do not offer a backorder service.

Our business catches domains on behalf of our clients who win in the expiring auctions we run.

This means that any domains slated for deletion will appear in our daily auctions where our users bid against each other on who catches what domain when it drops.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Kind regards,


Support Team,

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New Member
Welcome Zyzz,

You have a few options:

You can try to catch/register the domain on the 4th of October when all the names not taken by the 20 Sep will actually drop by doing these:

1. hand reg right after the drops (only recommended if you feel no one else will want this domain)
2. use Drop.com.au to catch it for you, best chance of securing the domain
3. place a back order with your registrar that you currently use... note that if someone places an order with Drop, the back order placed with a different registrar is not likely to succeed as Drop has superior drop catching technology.

Hi guys, does anyone have a list of registrar's where you can backorder .au domains?


Top Contributor
Just a quick update, we anticipate to provide a Special .au drop auction section on Drop.com.au on the 27th Sep. Stay tuned for notification. Bid will be accepted shortly after. If you have not spent time building out lists of .au names to go after, the next few days should be used well. As the auction is with price tiers the 1st one in benefits with securing the price tier that they are happy with.


Just a quick update, we anticipate to provide a Special .au drop auction section on Drop.com.au on the 27th Sep. Stay tuned for notification. Bid will be accepted shortly after. If you have not spent time building out lists of .au names to go after, the next few days should be used well. As the auction is with price tiers the 1st one in benefits with securing the price tier that they are happy with.
Thanks for the update ill defs be on there on the 27th!


New Member
Can you guide me too where I can purchase a .au domain what is a Procedure. I am from Chicago USA and running a wholesale business here and want to start my business in Australia as well.


Top Contributor
Hi Jill,

.au domain names require Australian residency checks, so a form of ID or proof of Residency.
.com.au domain names require either ACN/ABN/TM to register one.

If you qualify then you can use any registrar to order one of these domains.


New Member
What If I can't .au version of my Domain? for example my Domain is Wearglam.com and now I want wearglam.au What if it's not available? Does it easy to get .com.au Domain? And please tell me about ACN/ABN/TM I am a non technical person.

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