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Australian Domainers Group networking


Top Contributor
Please note that the date for this event has changed to Wednesday 25th May. This will enable more people to attend from interstate. :)

Please note that venue may change as well!

Please refer to end of this thread for further details! More info posted soon.


Domainers Drinks in Melbourne,
Its been 6 months since our last bash.
How about meeting with other Australian domainers , for drinks , chat and snacks.

Come along and have a laugh and network with your fellow domainers
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Regular Member
Collingwood supporter? Haahaaa now you're buying the drinx! :) Naa joking- I know nothing about it. Hmm- I just looked and somebody at Fabulous dropped the ball I see on the name I bought off of Joe in October- Hmm- Emailed them already.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
we welcome all Queenslanders .........but please don't bring the rain with you

Melbourne, beautiful one day ......perfect the next

oh and our beers not too bad either !

see you there James


Top Contributor
Domainers Drinks in Melbourne are being rescheduled to 25/5/11 at a different venue
Sorry for the late notice


Top Contributor
Domainers Drinks in Melbourne are being rescheduled to 25/5/11 at a different venue
Sorry for the late notice

Joe - thanks for all your efforts in putting this together and doing the publicity on Facebook etc.

You're a good man - I don't know why some people say you're not! ;):D

As mentioned previously by Joe, the date and venue have changed. Erhan from Cooper Mills is sponsoring the evening.

There are oysters and French Champagne for those paying clients of Cooper Mills; or pizzas and beer for non-clients. ;) J/K!

Erhan has done a separate thread entitled Domainers Networking Night.
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