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auDA's "rigged" new constitution and member model exposed


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The "current thinking" of the PRP in Feb was anyone can register a .AU no restrictions, no rules. At least that is what was said at the public forum.

They have no idea what they are doing. Scrambling with a confused mix match of overseas rules that have been proven to have failed. In the end some in Supply and at auDA just want to sell more names without any real thoughts for the risk to the secure respected existing .au namespace and Australian Consumers.

So now the ignorant PRP think the Singapore/ Hong Kong model is best. Heavy red tape remains for existing names such as .com.au and .net.au and then the direct reg .au has no rules and is open to anyone in the world.

What that means is overseas foreigners who pay no tax in Australia, employ no one in Australia and have no Fair Trading obligations can buy the .au name. Yes auDA and Afilias etc may make some more money from registrations... that is all they seem to care about.,, even though auDA is supposed to be a "not for profit" LOL we all know now this is complete B.S. with current auDA Management thinking. They want auDA to be a "Cash Cow" for themselves and those they are acting for.

Why did auDA shut down 1000 China run .com.au websites? Multiply that problem of the damage it can do to Australia and Australian Consumers.


"1000 Australian websites taken down after China-based criminal plot revealed"


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auDA's Corporate Policy
Created on the 8th August (a couple of weeks ago) you know sometimes people should read their "Cut and Paste" before publicly publishing it.
Who are they accountable to now?
No-One but themselves, although, Associate members do have a complaints Hotline now, 1800 WE DON'T CARE.

I wonder when they will implement this policy - how long has Direct Registrations dragged on?


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The Once Mighty OBJECTS of auDA reduced to a Corporate Policy:
Old Consititution


auDA's New Corporate Policy -
Process for the Development and Review of auDA Published Policies


Government Review Stated:

Constitutional Reforms:
New terms of endorsement and the articulation of auDA’s roles and responsibilities should also help define auDA’s purpose and activities in its Constitution.

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