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auDA Board Member Duties


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Does anyone know how to bring a no confidence motion by members for the removal of the CEO in an organisation.


Top Contributor
Does anyone know how to bring a no confidence motion by members for the removal of the CEO in an organisation.

From my understanding only directors have this power.

21.2 Power to Appoint Chief Executive Officer
The Board may appoint a natural person to be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with such title and on such terms, conditions and remuneration as the Board determines. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the control and management of the business and day to day operations of auDA.

The Board may from time to time and upon such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as they deem fit, confer upon the Chief Executive Officer all or any of its powers.

The Board may at any time or times, alter, revoke withdraw or vary all or any of the powers delegated to the Chief Executive Officer.


That said members can remove directors.

19.6 Removal of Directors
auDA in general meeting may by resolution remove any Director from office. However, no resolution for the removal of a Director from office is to be put to a general meeting unless notice signed by a Member duly qualified to vote at that meeting and signifying the intention of that Member to propose that resolution is received by auDA not less than twenty eight (28) clear days before the date appointed for holding the meeting.

Appears to not require a special resolution, so it would require more than 50% in each class of membership.

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