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Aftermarket Auctions 10 months on


Top Contributor
That's pretty positive.

So does that include domains that are bought via BINs?
Yes this includes BIN prices.

I'm surprised it's only been 7 given that it has seemed like more domains have been listed of late...
I'll double check the numbers when I get into the office tomorrow.
That said, I've been lucky enough to pick up 3 sales via the AMA this month already (2 of them via BINs).

And with over 350 domains already listed for sale throughout the remainder of this month if you can keep that success rate around 10% and maybe a few more people add some domains over the coming days and weeks the AMA could potentially sell 50+ domains this month.
I am also excited to see how the rest of the month goes as the quality of the domains and the reasonableness of the BIN prices making this worth watching.


Top Contributor
On the topic of BINs what percentage of domains sell via their BIN vs being won via auction?

And can I ask what's the average BIN price vs auction price?


Top Contributor
On the topic of BINs what percentage of domains sell via their BIN vs being won via auction?

And can I ask what's the average BIN price vs auction price?

We'll release some nice detailed stats on all the metrics, advantages and disadvantages on NF soon Chris - it just takes time to correlate



Top Contributor
We'll release some nice detailed stats on all the metrics, advantages and disadvantages on NF soon Chris - it just takes time to correlate
Very excited!


I love metrics.

So when were you planning to release these metrics?

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