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2010 names policy panel draft recommendations, may 2011


Top Contributor
I'm on this auDA panel, and all panelists are going to have a hook-up meeting within the next 10 days.

Unfortunately, only 9 submissions were received by the due date. :confused:

I'm not criticizing anyone, but if you want change to happen, then members need to contribute and be heard.

Even a quick one paragraph email is better than nothing.


Top Contributor
Well I am ciricizing the last panel that many DNtrade members submitted to

Their submissions resulted in this:
1.3 The Panel notes that the overwhelming majority of public comments were in favour of
retaining the current policy, that registrants must be Australian or registered to trade in
Australia. Reasons given for this view related to maintaining the perceived integrity of .au,
consumer protection and support for Australian businesses online, especially small
1.4 It was suggested that negative views were mostly based on a lack of knowledge of
how other ccTLDs work, and a “fear of the unknown”. Panel members agree that, whilst that
may be the case, nevertheless the consultation reflects a very strong community acceptance
that “.au means Australian”.

Just BS
Why don't they admit it ...... dot/com/dot/au is not for Australians
It is for Australian business

The majority of Australians have no legal basis for registering or buying a .com.au or a .net.au
That priviledge is reserved for people in business

And saying that views were based on a lack of knowledge hardly encourages more submissions to another panel


Top Contributor
Well I am ciricizing the last panel that many DNtrade members submitted to

Is "ciricizing" similar to circumcision Joe? ;)

I didn't agree with some of their recommendations either, and I know some of the panelists didn't as well. But some good things will come out of that review, and for that I'm grateful. It looks like we have to do small steps at a time.

But if those of us that want change don't contribute - and the ones that don't want change do contribute - then we've lost before we've started.

It's like elections. We can curse all we like about which party got into power, but if we didn't make the effort to vote then who's to blame?

Got to be in it to win it. Just my opinion. :)

Of the submissions received to this latest panel, the majority are in favour of doing away with the 6 month rule.

I agree with Ned's early comment, we need more members of the domainer community to make submissions, even a basic email to say that a policy is wrong, why it is wrong and how should it change. This will keep the pressure up for changes to stupid policy!


Top Contributor
Anything happening with the rest of the recommendations from this paper?

Good to see the 6 month rule abolished.
Hi Ash

The August Minutes of Meeting of the auDA Board state the following:
4. Policy Development

2010 Names Policy Panel:

Derek Whitehead, Chair of the 2010 Names Policy Panel, provided a summary on the Final Report and Recommendations provided by the Panel. The Board passed the following resolutions:

• Motion (Proposed J Hammer, seconded G McDonald). That the Board accept recommendation 1a: That the requirement for registrants to be Australian (or registered to trade in Australia) should remain in place. Carried

• Motion (Proposed C Langdon-Orr, seconded M Drill). That the Board accept recommendation 1b: That the “special interest club” eligibility criterion for org.au and asn.au domain names be more clearly defined. Carried

• Motion (Proposed J Rowe, seconded J Hammer). That the Board accept recommendation 1c: That auDA should publish the results of its periodic policy compliance audits. Carried

• Motion (Proposed G McDonald, seconded J Hammer). That the Board accept recommendation 1e: That auDA’s position on third party rights with respect to domain name leasing or sub-licensing arrangements should be clarified and published. Carried

• Motion (Proposed C Langdon-Orr, seconded J Rowe). That the Board accept recommendation 1g: That the close and substantial connection rule for id.au be relaxed to include domain names that refer to personal hobbies and interests. Carried

• Motion (Proposed G McDonald, seconded J Hammer). That the Board accept recommendation 1h: That direct registrations under .au not be allowed at this time. Carried

• Motion (Proposed M Drill, seconded J Rowe). That the Board accept recommendation 2a: That the Reserved List Policy be retained, and updated as necessary to ensure consistency with Commonwealth legislation. Carried

• Motion (Proposed J Rowe, seconded M Drill). That the Board accept recommendation 2b: The Panel recommends that the names and abbreviations of Australian states and territories should remain on the Reserved List, but may be released on application provided that the proposed registrant is eligible to use the name under normal policy rules, and that they have received permission from the relevant state or territory government. Carried

• Motion (Proposed K Heitman, seconded J Rowe). That the board accept recommendation 3. That:

a. the Domain Monetisation Policy (2008-10) should be abolished as a separate policy;

b. Schedules C and E of the Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for Open 2LDs (2008-05) should be amended to include domain monetisation under the close and substantial connection rule for com.au and net.au domain names (as exemplified in Attachment A to the Panel’s report);

c. the existing conditions of use on domain names registered on the basis of domain monetisation under the “close and substantial” connection rule should be retained;

d. the definition of “domain monetisation” should be replaced with a description of permissible practice, to accommodate a range of monetisation models; and

e. the Guidelines for Accredited Registrars on the Interpretation of Policy Rules for the Open 2LDs (2008-06) should be amended to include additional explanatory material regarding domain monetisation.


• Motion (Proposed M Drill, seconded J Hammer). That the board accept recommendation 4: That the Prohibition on Misspellings Policy be retained in its current form. Carried

The Board noted the following:

• Recommendation 1d: The Panel recommends that registrants should be able to license a domain name for a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 year period. auDA staff will provide further information on costs and technical complications associated with implementation.

• Recommendation 1f: The Panel recommends that, in the absence of any compelling technical or policy reason to maintain the restriction, single character domain names should be released (subject to the registrant being eligible to register the name). auDA staff will provide further information on implementation options.

• The Board noted the minority report regarding domain monetisation (at Attachment B of the Panel’s report). The Board did not agree with the alternative recommendations put forward by the authors of the minority report. In particular, the Board considered that removing clause 4.3(a) of the Policy would undermine the operation of the close and substantial connection rule, which is an integral part of the .au policy framework. In addition, the Board read the minority report as implying that the Panel was not suitably qualified to consider the issues. The Board was satisfied that the Panel was suitably qualified, and had followed proper process (including 2 rounds of public consultation), to make recommendations to the Board on domain monetisation. Accordingly, the Board did not consider it necessary to convene a different group to deal with the issue.

That is auDA's position, it is obvious that there are some implementation processes they need to go through to implement what was agreed. Unfortunately the Minutes are very brief and don't really contain much detail.

Unfortunately the Board didn't accept our Minority Report which opposed the stupid monetisation policy - so we continue to have very bad policy in this regard.......

The big thing to look out for is the Westlake Report on .au governance, that will be released later this week.

Also don't forget to get in your submissions on the auDA Foundation!

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