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Drops today February 2021


Regular Member
Would be really cool if @trellian could share some of their sales data. Understood they can't give us an exact number, but a rough gauge would be really cool.


Top Contributor
Would be really cool if @trellian could share some of their sales data. Understood they can't give us an exact number, but a rough gauge would be really cool.
Listing low wholesale pricing is detrimental and is clearly damaging the domain aftermarket.
Domain aftermarket "end user" sales are the ones that should be published. Unfortunately I do not see any of the top domain investors ever publishing their sales. The ones that they do are rare. This is what the industry needs. So not sure why anyone here would want us to devalue the domain "assets" that you all hold.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
So you're arguing why domainers shouldn't want the sales prices published but you are the drop service provider.

Surely more exposure is what you would be after? More exposure more bidders?

PS - as someone with an "active" Netfleet back order in place can you let us know what is happening with this service. If it's been discontinued are we going to get a refund?


Regular Member
Listing low wholesale pricing is detrimental and is clearly damaging the domain aftermarket.
Domain aftermarket "end user" sales are the ones that should be published. Unfortunately I do not see any of the top domain investors ever publishing their sales. The ones that they do are rare. This is what the industry needs. So not sure why anyone here would want us to devalue the domain "assets" that you all hold.
Understand this completely, but a guage would be good. Ex: Mid x,xxx, - Low xxx

Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
Why would any domainer want the wholesale price they paid for a domain published? Surely you wouldn't want a prospective buyer to find out?



Regular Member
Personally most of my domain sales are to end users & not domainers, i'd assume this would apply to the majority of you blokes too. Similarly to how it was on netfleet/drop a while ago, you could view the sale price/bid & if it was successful, then once the next days drops were fed in the price was removed (aside from top performers which are listed on Netfleet).


Top Contributor
So you're arguing why domainers shouldn't want the sales prices published but you are the drop service provider.

Surely more exposure is what you would be after? More exposure more bidders?

We have a lot more at stake, sure Drop is the drop service provider, but Above.com and NetFleet.com.au are the end user marketplaces where we actually have a chance to grow the industry and really generate long term benefits for domain name values. A thriving aftermarket, we hope will generate far greater long term benefits for the industry as a whole and for the company. The drop catch market size is just too small in comparison. What we want are the end user prices published, which we will on NetFleet, but Drop pricing is not likely to be made full public as having a single day to auction names is not long enough for end users who need days, weeks months to make such purchasing decisions to participate, so these are not prices we would want to be made public.

If you have a question with a backorders, please reach out to the netfleet support directly and they can assist.

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