Im getting alot of offers at the moment for my domain - considering the superannuation overhaul that is coming, what do you think it could be worth?
A question :
If you have owned the domain for a period of time.
Can someone register a trademark and take it off you ??
Im not saying they can, i'm curious for the answer..
Very very slim chance that you will have a trademark problem with a domain that was purchased 4 years ago because this trademark lodgement happened last month and the registration of the domain 4 years ago could not have been infringing on the rights of a non existent trademark at that time. The person who has now lodged this trademark request would need to prove very extensive common law usage rights dating back more than 4 years for the term mysuper which on the surface is very unlikely as they are probably just trying to cash in on these mooted government super changes.
Exactly!!guys he has only just applied for the mysuper trademark and does not have a registered trademark as it hasnt even begun the examination period yet so it may not even be granted.
guys he has only just applied for the mysuper trademark and does not have a registered trademark as it hasnt even begun the examination period yet so it may not even be granted.