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i've said it before and i am really tied of saying it, i am comfortable with my decision on this and nobody could have predicted what came afterwards which has been stated MANY times, as a director you make decisions based on the information provided to you and research you do. we are now in an rtp so this is old news and we went into an rtp pre s249dexclusive negotiation with aUSregistry
you state it as its already happened? we are still going through a process of .au so that statement is totally unfounded. the names panel and the implementation panel are 2 completely different subjects.the strategy of flogging .au to international buyers
i don't know where to start on this one ! it was presented as a name, not a new constitutional change, did anyone complain in victoria when overnight safeway disappeared and it only became woolworths? nothe name change to auHQ
i was a manager of woolworths in qld in 1985 when we took over safeway, i was on the team in qld that converted ALL safeway stores to woolworths brand, we worked 24/7 for months up and down qld moving from store to store stripping them to the core and rebuilding them to the woolworths mentality, in victoria woolworths converted to safeway as it was a more powerful brand, although woolworths took over safeway in actual fact imo safeway took over woolworths as far as governance, we saw MAJOR changes within 1 year, the leaders changed and the systems changed, many people lost their jobs, many people left, sales went up and down as consumers liked or disliked what we were doing.
then woolworths started " the fresh food people", in reality it was a safeway driven intuitive using woolworths money and we ruled the grocery market for the next 15 years, i left after 5 years and travelled the world but the thats where i see auda now, about to make a significant break through.
auHQ in concept is a good idea, WHY ? simply because no body knows who the F auda is, do they !!!
i spoke to a guy on wednesday, webdesigner, internet marketer yadda yadda he was trying to impress me so i'd authorise my clients ad $ going to him........... so i asked " so you know auda" ? he said "what" i said " A ...U...D....A " and he said " whats that stand for?"
seriously, nobody currently cares or knows, we all know this, i also don't think in canada where membership to cira is free once you register a domain name anyone knows what cira is? i know this because i have 2 canadian friends i communicate with, one is an environmental activist and is full on with online propaganda via her organisations website, the other is a university lecturer in womens rights who uses the internet to lobby the government and has created a good ground swell of support via the internet. neither of them know what cira is !
i asked them both a few weeks ago.
we have a real problem of the public being not interested. australians and canadians have as much interest in auda and cira as they do in what toothpaste they use ! don't say "colgate" try to name WHICH one you use without going to check, i bet you can't ( sensodyne uses excluded)
but we need to try, and i am going to try
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