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Are you buying .CO?


I see the hype has been around, and is still building surrounding .CO extension...

Will you be/Have you been registering many/any?



Regular Member
The only 'value' as far as I can see is in the typos of big .com websites isn't it?

I would agree.

If any of our clients were considering a .co as their primary domain I would advise them against it for the simple reason 99% of people you know are at least going to add the 'm' if not also the '.au' on to the end purely out of habit.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
i don't think i have ever mis typed .com , so on that basis i would not be regging any

on a side note i do sometimes type in dntrade.com and forget the .au


Top Contributor
I never type anymore domains, Chrome just suggests me whatever I typed only the few timesI did, or I google it so typos are already a soon to be useless niche of domains.


Top Contributor
what I want to know is what's going to happen to the extension as Columbia's ccTLD? If the 'top 200,000' domains are snapped up by speculators how can the locals easily use it? 45 million of them...


Regular Member
It is being promoted as more a global domain extension rather than Columbia's ccTLD, I don't expect many to associate it as Columbia in the longer term.


Top Contributor
what I want to know is what's going to happen to the extension as Columbia's ccTLD? If the 'top 200,000' domains are snapped up by speculators how can the locals easily use it? 45 million of them...

I imagine the locals will keep using .com.co and leave the .co for the greedy gringos

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
I see the hype has been around, and is still building surrounding .CO extension...

Will you be/Have you been registering many/any?


No - that is until the situation changes with search engine rankings or there is demand for the extension.


Top Contributor
I tried to pre-reg some, namely ll.co and a few generics, but surprise surprise as it turns out they're all on a ''reserved list" etc so no cigar. Just ended up with one pre-reg, but not expecting too much out of it
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Top Contributor
No - that is until the situation changes with search engine rankings or there is demand for the extension.

But isn't it too late by then?

I think the extension will work better in countries like the UK and NZ where they are used to typing .co rather than .com in their local domains. In Australia however, most people won't have had exposure to any .co based domains.

Anyway, public registration is available as of this morning and I've just registered two that relate to my business:


There are still some good generics available, but I'm happy with my two.

Who else has registered? Get anything good?


Top Contributor
Will be a lot of money wasted by domain speculators much like all the new release before it, none of which has really gone anywhere for speculators, .ws, .cc, .tv, .biz, .info, .us, .eu, .mobi, .me. The same mistakes are repeated constantly with the theory that this time it will be different.

In my view the peak of the market is generally when the big release happens. They've done a good job promoting this and the somewhat staged managed sale announcement of o.co is likely to add more fuel to the fire.


Top Contributor
I noticed a few good keyword domains available when I did a search, some with $32 cpc but decided it's too spec for me. I think the only one's that will make money out of this is the registrars.



While I know Domain Age is a major factor in SEO, I personally think a $40 punt for a high volume/low competition keyword is worth a shot.
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