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auDA board Minutes 20 June 2016


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Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Ltd Board

20 June 2016 – 11.00am
auDA, 114 Cardigan Street, Carlton

Present: Stuart Benjamin (Chair), Jo Lim (Items 3-18), Erhan Karabardak, George Pongas, Graham McDonald (absent Item 14), Grant Wiltshire, Joe Manariti, Julie Hammer (absent Item 14), Kartic Srinivasan, Miguel Wood, Simon Johnson, Tony Staley (absent Item 14)

Observers: Annaliese Williams (DoC, Items 2-18), Helen Hollins (auDA, Item 7), Adrian Kinderis (Item 12), Maggie Whitnall (Item 12), Jacki O’Sullivan (auDA–Minutes, Items 3-18)


1, Any Public Risk report about "stacking" before elections and voting on important matters?

The Board noted the unusually high number of membership applications received since the last Board meeting. It was agreed that issues regarding the potential for membership stacking and capture are a matter for the Risk Committee to review and report to the Board in due course.

Membership Classes
auDA has two classes of members:

  • Supply Class. For companies, associations and individuals who are Registry Operators, auDA Accredited Registrars or appointed resellers of an Accredited Registrar.
Please Note: Only one entity within a group of related entities may be a Supply Class member of auDA. For example, if an auDA Accredited Registrar owns a reseller, then either the Registrar or the reseller (not both) may be a Supply Class member.

  • Demand Class. For companies, associations and individuals who are not Registry Operators, auDA Accredited Registrars or appointed resellers of an Accredited Registrar.

17. Registry Operations for Direct Registrations – G Pongas & K Srinivasan absent

This matter has been deferred to a future meeting.

3. P Khoury noted that it is critical to gain the correct expertise and skills on the Board and that proper training should be provided to Board members who do not have much corporate governance experience. He also suggested end-of-meeting evaluations should take place on 1 item per meeting, to self-assess whether the Board is operating effectively and according to agreed values.

4. The Board agreed to increase the External Consultant budget item to $200,000.

Bacon Farmer

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Membership stacking? Is that where supply side US owned companies get their employees to join The demand side?

Should be easily fixed by asking them if they are employed by a supply side participant in the industry or are married to or are the brother of a director of such an entity.


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Membership stacking? Is that where supply side US owned companies get their employees to join The demand side?

Should be easily fixed by asking them if they are employed by a supply side participant in the industry or are married to or are the brother of a director of such an entity.
auDA ( apparently) and many people have concerns "Supply" has been membership stacking not only the supply membership but also has member stacked the "demand side"... to double support their financial gains and increase votes of support in some cases it appears.

There are employees, friends, family, contractors, consultants, directors etc of Supply companies who have been signed up into demand to gain votes and support for things supply wants ( additional .au extension).

Many of these memberships are associated, "related entities" and "linked" . They may be invalid under the auDA membership rules but perhaps auDA finds it hard to stop them due to their relationships with auDA, that they are on the board (?) or auDA or they have been a "service provider" or on contract to auDA for many years.

Where has the transparency been for the last 16 years? Certainly when it comes to finances, rules and the registry role not going out to tender for so long and some in Supply wanting to push in another competing .au domain name extension and financially gain from it this is a very serious matter .

It is also obvious some people / organisations who have been "moved on" or had their auDA contracts, board memberships or services "cancelled" etc want to make a come back.....

Membership Classes

auDA has two classes of members:

Supply Class. For companies, associations and individuals who are Registry Operators, auDA Accredited Registrars or appointed resellers of an Accredited Registrar.
Please Note:

Only one entity within a group of related entities may be a Supply Class member of auDA. For example, if an auDA Accredited Registrar owns a reseller, then either the Registrar or the reseller (not both) may be a Supply Class member.

Demand Class. For companies, associations and individuals who are not Registry Operators, auDA Accredited Registrars or appointed resellers of an Accredited Registrar.


What are the invalid memberships and staff of supply registrars, registrars, resellers signing up as demand plus Supply members with multiple memberships in breach of the membership and voting rules making them invalid?

Can auDA release their Risk report now before the 2016 AGM to show the problems more clearly auDA has themselves identified?

Can anyone seen any strange links or possible "stacking" ( supply employees or related entities being signed up to increase votes) ? Maybe when the voting is counted it will be easier to see :)

"Supply" should not be in any position to vote on matters where they may make a financial gain... this has happened for too long. There is not enough disclosure happening besides a few people ( Erhan, Simon, Stuart as a few examples who seem to have done the right thing )

i think there are obvious conflicts of interest and I think there may be patterns and links of the Yes Only Vote campaign and Yes to another 3 million domain names for Australia campaigns ( seemingly done by some auDA members in very high long term Supply positions.)

"It was noted that this was by far the highest number of responses to an auDA Panel consultation process, stimulated in large part by an EDM sent to customers of a large registrar group." auDA Who was that large registrar group? Melbourne IT an auDA Board member and there many associated entities.

*Some links highlighted but may be in error. There will be more links.


Top Contributor
Name Class
Accommodation @ Australia Pty Ltd Demand
Adrian Bartlett Demand
Alan Isherwood Demand
Amanda Edwards Demand
Amanda Lawrence Demand
Amba Communications Pty Ltd Demand
Andrew J Cole Demand
Andrew Robinson Demand
Andrew Wright Demand
Angelo Dounis Demand
Angelo Giuffrida Demand
Anna Johnson Demand
Anthony Alabakov Demand
Anthony Blackie Demand
Anthony Campbell Demand
Anthony James Conaghan Demand
AusRegistry Group Pty Ltd Demand
Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Demand
Beads Pty Ltd Demand
Beare Investments Pty Ltd Demand
Belinda Wadeson Demand
BigBangDomains.com.au Demand
Blake Media Group Pty Ltd Demand
Brendan Fitzgerald Demand
Brendan Smith Demand
Brett Koch Demand
Bruce Smith Demand

Bruce Tonkin Demand ( Melbourne IT / Net Fleet ? )

"It was noted that this was by far the highest number of responses to an auDA Panel consultation process, stimulated in large part by an EDM sent to customers of a large registrar group." auDA



Top Contributor
Calie Salter Demand
Cameron Groppi Demand
Caroline Gonzalez Demand
Cheryl Bromfield Demand
Cheryl Langdon-Orr Demand ( Icann and auDA director )
Chiliad Consulting Pty Ltd Demand
Chris Burgess Demand
Chris Chaundy Demand
Chris Gryg Demand
Chris Jennings Demand
Chris Wright Demand
Christine Osterloo Demand
Colin Jones Demand
Computing Assistance Support and Education Inc (CA Demand
Cooper Mills Pty Ltd Demand
Courtney John Fabian Demand
Craig Ng Demand
Craig O'Toole Demand
Craig Smithers Demand
David Goldstein Demand
David Keegel Demand
David Priest Demand
David Purdue Demand
David Thompson Demand
Davies Collison Cave Patent and Trade Mark Attorney Demand
Dent Medic Pty Ltd Demand
Derek Whitehead Demand
Digital Monopoly Pty Ltd Demand
Dimitri Rytsk Demand
Dinesh George Demand
Dirk Hunter Demand
Dotrader Pty Ltd Demand
Eamon McGrath Demand
Elizabeth Keys Demand
Emma Weekly Demand
Erhan Karabardak Demand
Eric Karabardak Demand
Erwin Groen Demand
eTrading Pty Ltd Demand
Federick Stark Demand
FFA Services Pty Ltd Demand
Frances O'Meara Demand
Gabriela Facci Demand
George Fong Demand

George Pongas Demand ( Ausregistry / Neustar Inc USA Supply Staff )
"It was noted that this was by far the highest number of responses to an auDA Panel consultation process, stimulated in large part by an EDM sent to customers of a large registrar group." auDA



Top Contributor
Gordon Frend Demand
Graham Gooley Demand
Grant Wiltshire Demand
Gurmeet Macker Demand
Helen Beckman Demand
Helena Kingston Demand
Holly Raiche Demand
Ian Halson Demand
Imogen Corliss Demand
Insure QLD Pty Ltd Demand
Internet Association of Australia Inc (IAA) Demand
Internet Shop Demand
Internet Society of Australia Demand
iSolutions Technologies Pty Ltd Demand
Jack Fitzgerald Demand
Jade Fitzgerald Demand
James Chesters Demand
Jarrod Kagan Demand
Jason Squire Demand
Jeff Marr Demand
Jenny Johnston Demand
Jenny Ng Demand
Jenny Wiltshire Demand
Jeremy Feiglin Demand
Jessica Moore Demand
Jezweb Pty Ltd Demand
Joe Thymian Demand
John Graham Demand
John Kolenda Demand
John Nugent Demand
John Ostermeyer Demand
John Selby Demand
John Swinson Demand
Jonathan Gleeson Demand
Jonathon Lawrence Demand
Joshua Rowe Demand
Joshua Todd Cowper Demand
Juliet Summers Demand
Jump Pty Ltd Demand
Kamdha Pty Ltd Demand
Kane Maneylaws Demand
Karen Zhang Demand
Karl Schaffarczyk Demand
Katie Halson Demand
Keith Besgrove Demand
Keith Bower Demand
Ken Brandt Demand
Kevin Karp Demand
Kevin O’Brien Demand
Kevin Sutherland Demand
Khajaque Kortian Demand
Kids Media Pty Ltd Demand
Kim Davies Demand
Kimberley Lowton Demand
Kristina Kingston Demand
Kym Squire Demand
Laurie Patton Demand
Leanne O'Donnell Demand
LemonStone Group Pty Ltd Demand
Lindok Pty Ltd Demand
Linux Australia Inc Demand
Lion Global Pty Ltd Demand
Louis Crossing Demand
Louise Meyers Demand
Lucas Benning Demand
Lucian Popaly Demand
Luke Carlos Dale Demand
Luke Cuthbertson Demand
Luke Grogan Demand
Luke O'Meara Demand
Luke Summers Demand
Lyrek Business Services Pty Ltd Demand
Maddocks Demand ( auDA Lawyers)

Maggie Whitnall Demand
Marc Boschma Demand
Mark Sinclair Demand
Mark Smith T/A Brennan and Smith Optometrists Demand
Martin Freckmann Demand
Martin Verhulst Demand
Max Webb Demand
Michael De Wildt Demand
Michelle Hayes Demand
Miguel Wood Demand
Moniker Pty Ltd Demand
Naomi Rowe Demand
Narelle Clark Demand
Natasha Dwyer Demand
Ned O'Meara Demand
Nick Bell Demand
Niels Endres Demand
Nikki Scholes Demand


Top Contributor
Norman Bruce Munro Demand
Online Referral Networks Australia Demand
Ozlem Hassan Demand
Pacific Fund Pty Ltd Demand
Paul Hughes Demand
Paul Johnson Demand
Paul Shaw Demand
Paul Stephen Cormack Demand
Paul Woods Demand
Paul Young Demand
Peter Berry Demand
Peter Jetnikoff Demand
Peter Mead Demand
Peter Moon Demand
Peter Tonoli Demand
Pip Cuming Demand
R & B Security Services Pty Ltd Demand
Richard Burleigh Demand
Richard Green Demand
Robin Schmitt Demand
Rod Seeber Demand
Sarah Pike Demand
Sasha Zander Demand
Scott Long Demand
Scott Peterson Demand
Scriven Holdings Pty Ltd Demand
Sean Fogarty Demand
Search Global Pty Ltd trading as Stewart Media Demand
Shanan Dahlen Demand
Shane Moore Demand
Shaun Ewing Demand
Shelston IP Demand
Simon Delzoppo Demand
Simon Johnson Demand
Simon Keddy Demand
Simon Wilson Demand
Simply Honest Pty Ltd Demand
Sports Geek Pty Ltd Demand
Steve Sammartino Demand
Steve Skinner Demand
Steve White Demand
Steven Stroud Demand
Stuart Benjamin Demand
Studentnet Demand
Susan Mack Demand
Telco Together Foundation Demand
Teresa Mitchell Demand
The Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys of Demand
The University of Queensland trading as AUSCERT Demand


Top Contributor
Theo Hranakis Demand
Timothy Connell Demand
Traffic Sauce Pty Ltd Demand
Two Bulls Holdings Pty Ltd Demand
Verity Shepherdson Demand
Vicki Gottliebsen Demand
Visatec Legal Pty Ltd Demand
William Lye Demand
XD Global Pty Ltd Demand
Yi Tong Demand
1300WebPro Supply
Ace Communications Group Pty Ltd Supply
Acquaint Pty Ltd trading as Web Set Go Supply
Anchor Systems Pty Ltd Supply
AusRegistry Pty Ltd Supply
Australian Web Industry Association Inc Supply
Bachco Pty Ltd trading as Domain IP Supply
Beagle Internet Pty Ltd Supply
Big Local Group Pty Ltd Supply
Blue Sky Financial Pty Ltd Supply
Butterfly Internet Pty Ltd Supply
Corporation Service Company Pty Ltd Supply
Di Marca Brand Performance Pty Ltd Supply
Dialog Pty Ltd T/A Dialog Information Technology Supply
Domain Names Pty Ltd Supply
Domain Shield Pty Ltd Supply
Domain Syndicates Pty Ltd Supply
Domo Digital Pty Ltd Supply
Drop.com.au Pty Ltd Supply
Get Started Pty Ltd Supply
I.NET.AU Pty Ltd Supply
Information Brokers Pty Ltd Supply
Instra Corporation Supply
Kaay Holdings Pty Ltd trading as Aussie Names Supply
Kamoden Pty Ltd Supply
Keelins Business and Property Lawyers Pty Ltd Supply
Kohen Technology Group Pty Ltd T/A Webvault Supply
Kudret Bayram Supply
Mailguard Pty Ltd Supply
Markwell Pty Ltd Supply
Matthew Forrester trading as Pacific Domains Supply
Maxi Internet Supply
Maxine O'Connell T/A MCD Concepts Supply
Melbourne IT Ltd Supply

( own's many resellers and related entities, on the auDA board, once had the registration monopoly for all australian names, did a "yes only new .au extension vote campaign" to tens of thousands of people to stack results and try to justify demand of another competing .au extension).
Melbourne IT remains one of the highest cost registrars in Australia for .au registrations, renewals and COR Change of Registrant fees.
"It was noted that this was by far the highest number of responses to an auDA Panel consultation process, stimulated in large part by an EDM sent to customers of a large registrar group." auDA

MHP Media Pty Ltd Supply
Micron 21 Datacentre Pty Ltd Supply

Netfleet Supply ( Melbourne IT related entity is the membership and vote valid?)

Peter Davidoff Supply
PPS Internet Supply
Roger Hass trading as PC-Bug Fixer Supply
Spread Media Group Pty Ltd Supply
SWiM Communications Supply
Uniregistrar Corp Supply
VentraIP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Supply
Weave Web Pty Ltd Supply
Web Address Registration Pty Ltd Supply
Web Prophets Pty Ltd Supply
Westnet Pty Ltd Supply

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