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auDA 2015 Board Elections


Top Contributor
These are happening in less than 2 weeks.

I cannot believe that Josh Rowe has decided to stand for yet another two year term as a Demand Class Director. He has had 7 x two year terms already – and is now standing for an eighth. Obviously enjoys the "gravy train". ;)

If anyone is interested, I wrote an article on Domainer about this - plus did a "Form Guide".

If you are entitled to vote, please think about voting for renewal.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Of the current candidates, Josh still looks like a very good option given his background and experience.

Raiche and Levins couldn't even be bothered supplying a 100 word statement about themselves: http://www.auda.org.au/assets/About-auDA/Annual-General-Meeting/2015/auda-agm2015-statements.pdf

Where are the small business candidates? A lot of these candidates are corporate types not truly reflective of the majority of owners (small businesses).

Very good points about corporate governance Ned.


Top Contributor
Of the current candidates, Josh still looks like a very good option given his background and experience.

Raiche and Levins couldn't even be bothered supplying a 100 word statement about themselves: http://www.auda.org.au/assets/About-auDA/Annual-General-Meeting/2015/auda-agm2015-statements.pdf

Probably time to refresh your memory BF! This post at election time 2013: https://www.dntrade.com.au/threads/call-for-nominations-for-election-to-auda-board.8175/#post-59362

I was reminded that findtim was fighting with David Goldstein even back then!

With regards candidate statements, all voting members should have received an email from each candidate. I know I have. Are you a member Mr Piggy? ;)
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Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I cannot confirm or deny that a "Mr Piggy" is a member.

Good points Ned, thanks for pointing those out.

In the 14 years Josh has been a director, what has he achieved?

I really would like to see more small business participation. They're major stakeholders who are not appropriately represented.
I encourage all DNT members who are also auDA Members to participate and vote at the AGM. This is your chance to have a say!

If you are not a member I encourage you to join and get active, it is only $22 to join as a member. As a member you are entitled to attend the xmas function, auIGF and other special events like the previous Tim Berners Lee cocktail function, AND you get to vote at the AGM. You can also get involved in Policy Panels which can determine the future of .au Policy. Great value for $22. Membership Forms are available here.


Top Contributor
These are happening in less than 2 weeks.

I cannot believe that Josh Rowe has decided to stand for yet another two year term as a Demand Class Director. He has had 7 x two year terms already – and is now standing for an eighth. Obviously enjoys the "gravy train". ;)

If anyone is interested, I wrote an article on Domainer about this - plus did a "Form Guide".

If you are entitled to vote, please think about voting for renewal.
"gravy train" looks like a good summary of some who are standing again. To some obviously it looks good on their resume also they seem to think

Lets all remember initially .com.au domain names where all Free of charge and administration was handled by 1 person as a volunteer.... how things change as people and some bodies, organisations and companies set themselves up for long term income and the "gravy train"


Top Contributor
"grazy train"
i don't know ANYTHING about Josh, as i see it all that shows me there are not enough members and not enough people willing to take part the process of change.

its obvious the days of 1 person doing the job are gone but yes we need to look at the gravy train but that will only happen via membership numbers which the people on the train are not eager to promote as they know accountability will be created.
evidence of no accountability is the toothless action or more so LACK of action with regards to netfleets recent issues.

auda should be spelt "ostrichDA"


Top Contributor
Election results in.

Supply Class - George Pongas and Kartic Srinivasan were both re-elected easily.

Demand Class - turn up for the books. Both incumbent Directors (Josh Rowe and Paul Levins) were substantially beaten by newcomers Miguel Wood and Grant Wiltshire. Congrats to Miguel and Grant - whilst I'm sorry to see Paul Levins go, it's great to see new blood. I believe it augurs well for all of us.


Top Contributor
Election results in.

Demand Class - turn up for the books. Both incumbent Directors (Josh Rowe and Paul Levins) were substantially beaten by newcomers Miguel Wood and Grant Wiltshire. Congrats to Miguel and Grant - whilst I'm sorry to see Paul Levins go, it's great to see new blood. I believe it augurs well for all of us.

Time for a celebratory glass of beer I think.
What was the final count?
Substantially is such an interesting word.


Top Contributor
Time for a celebratory glass of beer I think.
What was the final count?
Substantially is such an interesting word.

These were my scribbled notes - absolutely positive on first three people; though I may have juxtaposed Grant and Miguel's votes i.e. Grant may have got 60 and Miguel 48. I shall confirm later today. I do call that a substantial victory. :)

Holly Raiche - 11 votes
Paul Levins - 15
Josh Rowe - 16
Grant Wiltshire - 48
Miguel Wood - 60


Top Contributor
These were my scribbled notes - absolutely positive on first three people; though I may have juxtaposed Grant and Miguel's votes i.e. Grant may have got 60 and Miguel 48. I shall confirm later today. I do call that a substantial victory. :)

Holly Raiche - 11 votes
Paul Levins - 15
Josh Rowe - 16
Grant Wiltshire - 48
Miguel Wood - 60
Yes, my scribbled notes were correct.

Just got this in from auDA:


2015 Annual General Meeting in Melbourne yesterday

All general resolutions on the agenda were carried.The meeting elected two Supply Class directors and two Demand Class directors.
The election results were as follows:

Supply Class

Gavin Collins 3 votes

James Deck 4 votes

George Pongas 18 votes

Kartic Srinvasan 17 votes

George Pongas and Kartic Srinivasan elected.

Demand Class

Paul Levins 15 votes

Holly Raiche 11 votes

Josh Rowe 16 votes

Grant Wiltshire 48 votes

Miguel Wood 60 votes

Grant Wiltshire and Miguel Wood elected.


Top Contributor
Miguel Wood seems like he is involved with 10 different businesses, seems like a big startup guy which could be good though.


Top Contributor
It will be great to see Grant and Miguel's support of the domainer community and this forum.

Hopefully Grant and Miguel are informed and determined enough to strongly vote NO to any new unneeded .au extension . The unneeded extra direct .au extension is still being aggressively pushed by some and is merely a well financed and resourced effort to increasingly fill some peoples / organisations already large profits from the existing .au extensions and space.

The only "Demand" is again seemingly being pushed 99% by those who will profit from the new proposed .au extension.

It is obvious some in "Supply" would want a new .au extension and will promote the benefits of it due to the extra profits they will receive from it

There still has been no email out to all existing .com.au and .net registrants that has informed them of the proposed new .au extension and the detrimental affect it's introduction could have on existing registrants... added costs, the need for costly defensive registrations, IP / brand conflicts and legal disputes, loss of brand and business value, direct new competitors. examples RealEstate.au verse RealEstate.com.au, CarSales.au verses Carsales.com.au, Flowers.au verses Flowers.com.au, Seek.au verses Seek.com.au News.au verses News.com.au etc for over 2 million existing .com.au registrants many of whom have invested large sums of money in their domain name investment and branding, marketing etc.


Top Contributor
i'm hoping the new guyswill play some part in the online conversation that goes on between us "left in the dark investors".
as i've always said i'm not a domainer but i am an owner and a member of auda and would love to here more from the board then in 2 years " please re-elect me"

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