There is a further opportunity for people to be involved and have a positive voice in the broad discussion surrounding issues we face from an Australian perspective:
IMHO it's a good idea for people to get involved in the processes available, and to make your voice heard this way, rather than trying to discredit the policy panel, auDA board and members.
All the information is in the public domain, and there have been calls for public responses to respond to the issues paper and also the draft recommendations.
Domain name holders come from all walks of life and all industry sectors, from all over Australia, from mums and dad's to corporate, and submissions have been open to all. The panel is a variety of representatives for a wide range of groups.
I took the initiative to apply for the policy panel in 2015 to bring to the table the concerns, and try to give a rational voice on the policy review for DNTrade members and domain name holders in general.
Although I do not agree with all of the draft recommendations given by the panel, I do have to acknowledge the transparent consultative process by which the draft recommendations where arrived at; via the process of public consultation and by responses to the issues paper.
Please remember, these are only draft recommendations. It is still up to the board to either accept or reject them. The board also decides how any recommendations are implemented, including any entitlements of current domain holders.
Not all people are pleased by the draft recommendations, nor can they be. However I would suggest using poorly chosen comments here on a public forum is not the way to effect change. But please note for the record, as a panel member myself, and also as a DNTrade member, I am personally quite appalled by some of these comments being posted here on DNTrade.
You may have also overlooked the other draft recommendations coming from the policy panel, including making changes to the current two year fixed registration period.
Knowledge is power guys! So do your research! To get your voices heard, first get an understanding of what auDA's role is ( ) and also the rationale explained in the draft recommendations (read the section about the Panel’s rationale for proposal: )
Send a late written submission, if you feel you have something important to add. Be constructive.
I am a big supporter of DNTrade. However as you know I am no longer a DNTrade admin, and I have reduced my involvement with forum discussions due to the level of vitriol that is spurting forth.
I will not be replying to any further comments.
Best Regards,
Peter Mead