either way its a mess, i previously used the example of " telecom/telstra" changing our phone numbers eg: adding a "3" to all melbourne phone numbers.
they didn't make you purchase the new number, they didn't charge us twice for phone calls, and it took YEARSSSSSSSSSSS for people to get use to it.
and to say again, the cost to business was huge, new business cards, car signage etcccccccccc
but at least they did one thing correct and that was NOT allow ANY question that your clients could call you and nobody else was able to get YOUR number, there was no fight for it, no charge for it, no auction for it, no 5 years "or else......."
so i can't see why we are looking at the uk and nz mobiles which have clearly failed when we have a proven model in australia, just do what telstra did....... give the new domains away to the .com.au owner, is just to simple for people to get ?