once again it smells of "spin" , the disclaimer at the bottom didn't mention erhan's involvement in auda or domainshield and peter you didn't mention your involvement in the domain names policy review . what i think are 2 important facts that should be mentioned so we get the context of the article correct.
am i correct?
i know you can not control the article, but you can control the post
what really bugs me is that its on a government website, some numbnut in a government department looking to justify their job by having to add content each day gets a press release sent to them and posts it with disclaimers to save their ar$e when the TITLE is so blatantly taking the high ground of being an authority of domain issues that was written by someone that is financially benefiting from the information and propaganda being displayed.
i'm actually more peeved with the person who posted it then george, peter, erhan . its just simply unacceptable in my view for a government website to post this article.
erhan and snoopy are right, 99.99% of domain name owners need to be worried right now as ALL the spin is going towards a money grab.