spacey, what a bugger dude! , i just watched your video about it all. PR*CKS
i noted what you said and i also notice my high profile sites get hack attempts after 5pm australian time and i think its because they think they can get another 12+ hours to get in ? just my theory.
i think you are doing the right thing so far, email, post, youtube but as above says change evry password you have.
i kinda don't get how you have ftp access but no control over the domain, a thief would normally take control and move the domain + take total control thus giving you NO access !
just like when my clients send me all their passwords so i can develop / re-dev their website.
so the fact that this domain is still at ventraip puzzles me.
i also think you put to much info into your youtube vid, so if you do another you might want to hang back a bit and blur some areas IMO
i agree with your emails to godaddy, they have to STEP UP, i would be as mad as you and this is unfortunately a good example of their failure to deliver security.
its good that you have some proof of ownership.