""Murdoch University computer security expert Nik Thompson said it could be a case of "domain squatting".
"He said the perth.com.au site was linked to an internet consulting site called Hamish.com.au in Tasmania."
"As far as copyright goes, there's not much you do," he said.
"It looks like someone has bought the business names –and they are quite desirable domain names."
Dr Thompson said there weren't really any laws in Australia to stop domain squatting and that the owner of the sites would more than likely make a profit down the track by selling the domain names.
Takes about 1 Minute to do a search on the Company who owns the domain name; 10 seconds to do a whois lookup and about another minute to see what their line of business is.
Please refer to
http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/da200599/ for any further advice regarding defamation.