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Warm welcome to our new sponsor DomainNameLogic.com


Top Contributor
The DNTrade team would like to welcome on board DomainNameLogic.com as a new sponsor of the forum.

Published by a marketing professional in Melbourne, who wishes to remain anonymous for the good of the site, DomainNameLogic.com is a 'catalogue' of domain name usage in the 'real world' in Australia. The site is rich in information, and makes for interesting reading.

DomainNameLogic.com welcomes 'submissions' and also has a banner ad available for download, should you wish to link to the site from landing pages or websites of your own.

You can find out more at http://domainnamelogic.com/about/

Please join us in thanking them for their support of the community.


Top Contributor
Nice one, I like the 'catalogue of domain usage' :D

If they don't want to reveal their identity (which I have no issue with), perhaps they should ask someone else to register the .com.au version of their domain (which is still available).

Otherwise it seems inevitable that someone else will register the .com.au.


Great to see

Good work. You might want to add Entertainment to your choices too.
Looking forward to reading your stuff. Rock on.


Top Contributor
The site (domainnamelogic.com) has been down for a while.

Is it gone for good?

There were some interesting case studies on the site.


Top Contributor
The site (domainnamelogic.com) has been down for a while.

Is it gone for good?

There were some interesting case studies on the site.

It just looks like an internal IIS error, I'm sure it'll be sorted out.


Top Contributor
Published by a marketing professional in Melbourne, who wishes to remain anonymous for the good of the site

Great to have another sponsor - but I have to say this wanting to remain anonymous really puzzles me. We know the identities of the people behind every other sponsor (as it should be).

Obviously it is his prerogative, but it is very strange.

And the fact is you don't need to be a Rhodes Scholar or Sherlock Holmes to work out who it is.

This person is widely published, and makes a point of putting himself and his main business "out there" - particularly in relation to the .com market.

That's why I find this current "anonymity approach" very strange. I hope he has a change of heart.

Just my opinion.


Top Contributor
So for the r4est of us

*We know it's a he
*We know they have access to dntrades email database
*We know they hate the new tlds.

I figured it was Snoopy.


helloworld said:
So for the r4est of us

*We know it's a he
*We know they have access to dntrades email database
*We know they hate the new tlds.

I figured it was Snoopy.

This point needs to be clarified. No sponsors have access to the DNTrade email list. Our list isn't for sale, it's also not our style.

DomainNameLogic.com have decided to redevelop the website for relaunch later in the year. We thank them for their support of the forum over the last few months and wish them success with the relaunch.

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