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Another IP Issue


Regular Member
Hi, I know this has probably been brought up a far bit on here.

BUT, if I register a domain that's exact to an already registered trademark but completely different purposes will I be ok?

I want to hold singles events and the company who own the TM (McD) have it registered in

Class: 29 Foodstuffs in this class; foods prepared from meat, pork, fish and poultry products, preserved and cooked fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheese, milk, milk preparations, pickles, desserts

Class: 30 Foodstuffs in this class prepared for consumption; edible sandwiches, meat sandwiches, pork sandwiches, fish sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, biscuits, bread, cakes, cookies, chocolate, coffee, coffee substitutes, tea, mustard, oatmeal, pastries, sauces, seasonings, sugar

Class: 32 Non-alcoholic beverages, syrups and other preparations for making beverages

Class: 42 Computer services in this class concerning the provision of access to a global Internet site or a global computer network featuring information relating to various subjects including those in the field of health, nutrition, fitness and active lifestyle

Class: 43 Services for providing of food and drink rendered or associated with operating and franchising restaurants and other establishments or facilities engaged in providing food and drink prepared for consumption; services for providing of food and drink rendered or associated with preparation and sale of carry-out foods

Surely a company can't own the name in everything known to man??



Top Contributor
dove = soap
dove = chocolate
dove = breeders

but be careful.......... and who owns dove.com.au !

you will find the http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ phone number your first place to start IMO, gather more knowledge then come back to this thread.

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Regular Member
Funny story :/ I just had settlement with another name with the same law firm, Ironic? And I've reskinned the same website, oh dear :I (not happy again!!)

Do you think if I tread super light and use the name that they can still snap the domain/name from me? I recall reading some stuff on here about some of you guys having to give domains up (already established businesses making money)?

Or is this a case of treading similar classes/services?

Think I need to call coopers perhaps..

Thanks Tim


Top Contributor
Hi, I know this has probably been brought up a far bit on here.

BUT, if I register a domain that's exact to an already registered trademark but completely different purposes will I be ok?

I want to hold singles events and the company who own the TM (McD) have it registered in

Class: 29 Foodstuffs in this class; foods prepared from meat, pork, fish and poultry products, preserved and cooked fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheese, milk, milk preparations, pickles, desserts

Class: 30 Foodstuffs in this class prepared for consumption; edible sandwiches, meat sandwiches, pork sandwiches, fish sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, biscuits, bread, cakes, cookies, chocolate, coffee, coffee substitutes, tea, mustard, oatmeal, pastries, sauces, seasonings, sugar

Class: 32 Non-alcoholic beverages, syrups and other preparations for making beverages

Class: 42 Computer services in this class concerning the provision of access to a global Internet site or a global computer network featuring information relating to various subjects including those in the field of health, nutrition, fitness and active lifestyle

Class: 43 Services for providing of food and drink rendered or associated with operating and franchising restaurants and other establishments or facilities engaged in providing food and drink prepared for consumption; services for providing of food and drink rendered or associated with preparation and sale of carry-out foods

Surely a company can't own the name in everything known to man??


Events are Class 41. According to what you have said, they dont seem to own 41.

If you really want the name, why dont you apply for Class 41. That way you have another reason to own the domain.

Im not a legal expert. So you may be better off getting professional advice.


Regular Member
Thanks Ben and Tim. Think I'm going to run with it. Personal intoduction services and food are too far apart.


Top Contributor
this is on subject, i've been doing some boring product uploads for an ecom store this week so i've also been watching "sharktank" " dragons den canada" on youtube, and you just reminded me of something that has been repeated on sharktank over and over again.

" i like your idea, but the big boys will just sit and watch you and the moment it looks like being a success they will just come down and EAT you"

so treading lightly isn't going to help you


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