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Escrow service

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Top Contributor
i think we recently had a sponsor who was an aussie escrow service, can anyone recall who it was and has anyone used them?
Many thanks


Regular Member
I have used Escrow Angel as a buyer and they were excellent.

I emailed with a question, prior to committing to a purchase and they rang me within mins.


Top Contributor
I seem to remember meeting them at the Brisbane meetup, maybe I am wrong? they seemed nice and I think they were just a startup back then, I haven't had a use for their service yet though.


Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
I can recommend Escrow Angel - I've processed a few transactions through them now. Phone support is pretty good too.


Top Contributor
I see that escrowanger offers credit card payments for buyers.
Is the seller protected if the buyer does a chargeback on their credit card?


Top Contributor
i was posting at the same time andrew was, so good info andrew, what i wrote still has some validity so i kept it.

i can't see why they would charge back? you have docs saying you sold as you have to give them the key, its just a domain name so its not something that can be damaged,stolen.
so the only recourse would be you lied about traffic or the domain was trashed with google because of past black SEO practices, so there is a minor way i suppose.

buyers remorse is no reason for a charge back and a change of registration comes with a lot of email varifications and hitting the YES button so you'd have that in your favour.

brings forward the need for an agreement in writting, i'm pretty sure cooper mills posted one last year as a template?



Top Contributor
Thanks guys
If it's bpay, it's not a credit payment. I don't think anyone would want to do a bpay payment from a credit card, as it would treated as a cash advance, which means you pay the rediculous interest rates from day 1.
As I'm involved with an online shop, chargebacks are a real issue, and can happen for a variety of reasons including using stolen card details. Within Australia it's rare, but from other countries it's far more common.

Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
Thanks guys
If it's bpay, it's not a credit payment. I don't think anyone would want to do a bpay payment from a credit card, as it would treated as a cash advance, which means you pay the rediculous interest rates from day 1.
As I'm involved with an online shop, chargebacks are a real issue, and can happen for a variety of reasons including using stolen card details. Within Australia it's rare, but from other countries it's far more common.

To verify...
"Does Escrow Angel accept credit card payments?
Escrow Angel accepts credit cards through BPAY. The credit cards accepted include VISA and MasterCard, but not AMEX at this time."

"Bill payments from your credit card can be processed as either a purchase or a cash advance, depending on how the biller is set up with the BPAY® billing service. If the biller chooses to accept credit cards, the payment is processed as a purchase. If the biller chooses not to accept credit card payments, ANZ may allow you to make a payment from your credit card but it will be treated as a cash advance and you will be charged a cash advance fee."

I don't believe EA process bPay card payments as cash advances, but you would need to confirm that with them...
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Top Contributor
As a seller I'd much prefer that credit purchases were not allowed, so that there is NO risk of a chargeback. Cash advances are fine, as I don't think you can do a chargeback on those.
Hey folks,
Apologies for the late response.
I can confirm that Escrow Angel DOES offer payment via credit card through BPAY, that is, it is registered with BPAY to receive payments from users' credit card accounts. The reason we chose to offer this credit card option is that there can be NO CHARGE BACKS effected, unlike standard credit card merchant payment facilities or PayPal etc through which a charge back can be raised. One we have received the payment in our secure trust account, the funds cannot be clawed back unilaterally by the buyer through BPAY - that's the beaty of the BPAY system. To offer a payment option that had the potential for charge backs would be to undermine the entire purpose of our secure escrow service. Hope that clarifies the issue.

Also, because we are registered with BPAY to accept credit card payments, payments made from users' credit card accounts are generally treated as "purchases", for the purpose of attracting rewards points and interest free periods, and not cash advances. We would recommend you check with your bank or financial institution but most, if not all, recognise these payments as purchases and not cash advances. We have been operating since 2012 and have transacted millions of dollars in credit card payments through BPAY and we have yet to have a customer inform us that their payment was treated as a cash advance.

Should you have any further questions about this, please feel free to give me a buzz anytime on 1300 ESCROW.
Simon (founder Escrow Angel)
Sorry, also want to add that when using Escrow Angel credit card payments via BPAY are available only within Australia. If you have an overseas buyer, they will need to pay via international bank transfer (which obviously doesn't allow for charge backs either).

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