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obviously its all or nothing now, who ever is bidding will put their best price on drop and then what they would like to pay on NF which seems to be the trend these days.

i think its worth $10k to the right person if they have the vision but i can't seeing it going over 6k

if NF have made to right phone calls who knows what a blind bid will do?

$12k = just 40 rugs at $300 a piece and then you have a HIGHLY brandable name to put on your TV ads



Top Contributor
FYI: I have Rug.net.au for sale. DM offers

Rugs.com.au @ 22k (on Drop)

Rugs.com.au @ ??? (on Netfleet)


Top Contributor
The domain is of the highest quality really, best .com.au to drop In a very long time. Haven't looked at stats so can't say much about value.


Top Contributor
don't forget i did the sums so extrapolate my numbers and it still works out, just change the "cost of rug" and you still get a good break even point.

40 x $300 rugs = 12k
20 x $500 rugs = 10K

i didn't think it would go over 6K because the market has been pretty weak lately, but obviously some people were hard at work yesterday to get the motivation for the domain.

this would not have gone to 22K without influence and congrats to them, its good for everyone.

the owner just purchased a domain and a BRAND, we should all be happy for them.



Top Contributor
is it worth 22K ? i think so

what do others think

If I domainer bought this I think they'd make a loss if they tried to resell it, so I'm inclined to say no to that question (I think you should be answering that way aswell as Rhythm has pointed out instead of changing your mind to suit the auction outcome :D).

When I saw the name first I thought "Around 10k".

The thing about it is it is a rare popular term with very strong commerce potential. Has an adwords competition score of 1. Doesn't get much better.

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